One of my chickens looks like Guy Martin !

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by dukesox, Aug 17, 2013.

  1. image.jpg For those that are unsure Edith the chicken is top left and Guy is bottom right. They have similar features and the same steely look of determination in their eyes as you can see. Edith is only about six months old and as she ages her crown and mutton chops will keep growing but she is a good girl and already lays an egg nearly every day.

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  2. I never thought that I would hear someone say that Gut Martin was 'chicken'!
  3. Awesome!... They could be twins!!
  4. Yep I'll give you that one
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  5. Also worth checking out the Rafael Nadal and Capybara pictures.
  6. This is the best post on the Internet ever!!...:upyeah::upyeah::upyeah:
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  7. Following on from Edith the chicken does any one else have pets that look like famous people ?
    As well as Edith the chicken above, my dog looks like David Luiz the Chelsea football player and one of my ducks could get regular work as an Elvis impersonator. That would be early Elvis when he was the King as opposed to later Elvis when he was the Burger king.

  8. Should have gone to Spec Savers

    Please tell me do you drive a Volvo ?
    have leather patches on your jacket elbows?
    smoke a pipe and wear your hat whilst driving?
  9. BOO!... What is not Guy Martin about that chicken!?...
  10. I did go to Specsavers ! I can up your stakes though.....not a Volvo but a beige Hillman Hunter, green corduroy jacket with leather patches and of course I smoke a pipe and wear a hat while driving as do all my friends at the local Rotary Club !
    Mind you, I wouldn't be so quick to make comments about eyesight while you have Multistrada 1000DS on every post.
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  11. Ah but I didn't say it looked like Guy Martin now did I ?
  12. That is because it doesn't, not like my chicken Edith who patently does !
    I shouldn't knock the old Multistradas, I had one for a while, it was a really good bike, just "challenging" in the looks department. I`m sure you agree.
  13. It does tend to repell would be theives...:upyeah:

    come to that pretty much everyone is repelled
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