1200 Optimate 4 connection

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Vintner, Mar 27, 2014.

  1. Hi All,
    When i connect my optimate 4 on cam bus mode to the powerlet sockets on my 2014 GT the dash and fuel pump cycle on and off, it just does not feel right, am i doing something wrong?
    I could just connect the optimate to the battery but i like the idea of just connecting it to the current powerlet socket.
  2. I'd only connect directly to battery to be on the safe side. Any other route could spike one of ECU's via can bus.
  3. The powerlet sockets on the MTS are on the switched side of the ignition so you are powering up the dash by connecting there.
  4. Just wired mine not ten minutes ago - though it's a CTEK - exact same thing you describe when I used the 12V socket adapter (thought it would save me taking off a panel and messing with wiring). Took it out and put in the eyelet connector direct to the battery and now works fine.
    Not sure if you get one with the Optimate but you can get the connector for a fiver to save you taking the seats off every time you want to charge up:
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