I thought this to be a clever, practical and cheap idea for charging USB Devices on the bike. If you have an Optimate plug on the bike this gizmo can be plugged in to that socket and then you have the choice of Mini or Micro USB charging cables. http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00AFXQ97A/?tag=ducatiforum-21 £24.99 on Amazon and it includes al the necessary USB cables Remember to check which Optimate connector you have before ordering - white (old style) or black (new SAE type). Today I moved my Optimate socket that is on the bike to under the rear seat (need to drill a10mm hole and fit a rubber grommet for the wire in the under seat storage area) that way I can charge bits (phone, video camera etc.) on the move and even when the bike is parked up. The unit has a battery level detector so "should not" run the battery down and it would only be used occasionally with the bike switched off in any case. If I want to charge the battery its just a case of unlocking the rear seat and plugging in the charger and that is done inside the Garage so no problem. Other types I have seen, such as Powerlet can be £40 for just one USB type cable. The Optimate device gives you both.