Organising Digital Photogtraphs

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by johnv, Aug 16, 2014.

  1. What do people use ?

    iPhoto is truly dire.

    Aperture gets good reviews but looks likely to be replaced, along with iPhoto, by Photo in 2015, it will continue to work though.

    Meanwhile what other options can anyone recommend ? Picasa gets good reviews and is free.

    Note this is primarily about organising rather than editing.
  2. Picasa is much better than the overly confusing iPhoto... Give it a try. Easy to organise folders / albums and the auto-contrast and highlight / shadow controls are simple but effective. I use the crop and straighten tools a lot too.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  3. That's usualy due to too much alcohol when pressing the shutter! :Happy:

    I use Nikon ViewNX 2, it comes with Nikon cameras but you can download it for free from their website. It will work for any image from any camera, I also use it to download photos from my Panasonic compact camera.
    I find it ok for my needs, you can add tags and rate images and it has basic editing too. You can set it up to download (Transfer in Nikon Speak) when you insert a memory card to a card reader (or however you connect to your pc) it will save each download to a seperate file if you wish, automatically nameing the folder. There are loads of options and I personaly don't bother too change too many, but they are there if you want them.
    They also send out regular updates. For free software I'd say it's pretty good. Certainly worth a try.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
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