Other Ducati forums?

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by El Toro, Aug 5, 2012.

  1. Do you use them and if so why?
  2. Yes I look at ducati.ms as when ducatisti was gone I had nowhere to go, so that was it, now I only check in every so often, this is my real online hangout :upyeah: (Thanks Rob )
  3. Yeah....Ducati up north and Ducati sporting club occasionally......why not? Variety being the spice of life and all that!
  4. Just multistrada.net; mostly for tech info as it's a quieter forum, but still very useful. I'm still on a Suzuki SV forum even though I hated my SV, the people are good there; and a non-specific bike forum, bikerbabble.com, just to rip the piss out of people I know:upyeah:
  5. Ducati.ms is a massive site. Some of the best info from ducatisti went on that one as well and vice versa.
    Always a good source of Modified bike photos too.
  6. Joined six or seven but this one felt like 'home' very quickly. Ducati.ms is the best when it comes to overall 'gremlin' help due to sheer mass of membership coupled with an excellent search facility.
  7. UKMOC - more monster specific info, and I've made lots of friends on there. Hampshire/Wiltshire area is the most active for meets etc, handy for me.
  8. Am a member of DSC and also look at the Yank site Ducati.org good for info as we lost all our data when Ducatisti folded. Like Chris I quickly found this a great site to be on. Easy to use all works well and I hate to say this but quite like the people on here. Hats off to Rob and any one else who assists in keeping what has become an improvement to Ducatisti alive and well.

    Regards Steve
  9. Italian sportsbike club I popped into when ducatisti closed and DSC
    Always felt at home here as most of you tolerate my thread stealing and I have met a few of you over the years
    So thank you for that :)
  10. you are most welcome Viv - the tolerating bit I meant :smile:
  11. MS has a lot of techy info, got a lot of help there during my build.
    Org. Bit odd I find, most threads seem to end up in a slagging match. Mainly yanks, threads on guns and hunting..:eek:
    Italian Sportsbike Club. Should be more popular than it is IMO. I never really got on over there, Oz seems like a good bloke. I posted a bit on there but was pretty much ignored, so left it.
    Best bet is to try 'em for yourself and see what fits...

  12. Multistrada.net as THE multistrada forum, but it is tech focused and fairly dry. However at least, unlike other forums with Americans on them, it doesn't descend into talk of right wing politics, truthers, conspiracy theories and guns.
  13. Very true:upyeah:
    Only downside is its just tooooooooooo American:rolleyes:
  14. 851/888 forum
    Italian sportsbike forum
    Ducati world forum
    Ducati MS
  15. More Ducati forums? More than this one?

    Just how much time have you got to waste in a day?
  16. UKMOC as I have a monster :) they put up with me :) Hello Mrs C :)
  17. Was a big user of speedzilla for Honda RC51/SP1 use, but has really gone downhill and is now just an american slanging match. Used to go on various Honda CBR forums, but the brit sites had feck all traffic, and the yank sites just talked sheet. Occasionally on SV650.org, a very helpful and friendly site, if a bit basic. Ducati MS very useful.
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