Well did a track day, only my second ever, with MSV novice only day. Got lucky with the weather, rain stayed off until final session, bike was superb although not a ducati it was a track prep'd GSXR600 running on wets initially until the track dried out. Lots of confidence with the bike, tyre warmers were greatly appreciated as was the support from PRB Racing who transported the bike, changed the wheels and generally helped me along. Very happy to be at the sharp end of the pack. Met a couple fellas on 899s, there were a few spills thankfully nothing serious. Enjoyed the whole day and desperate to get on again soon as possible. Looking at 29-10 or 01-11 One very happy biker ...woohoo
Looks like Saturday 1 November as a mate cant do midweek, will post confirmation once booked maybe see ya there Ritchie