Outer Filler Neck Seal Rubber... Ditch For Sealant Or Not?

Discussion in 'Supersport (1974-2007)' started by chueewowee, Jan 10, 2025.

  1. Happy New Year to all you good folk, here.

    I'm thinking of ditching the outer black rubber gasket on the fuel filler neck inlet/cap assembly , and using some grey three bond in its place.
    :astonished: What do you reckon? Have you done the same ever on the SS and liked the result?

    After A ride Last week in the cold, I decided to remove tank for re-painting, and I want to consider this alternative outer seal well.
    The tank is otherwise nice enough, well sealed rust-cured, and serviced well by me.

    I reckon sealant in this place may be functionally perfect. And if done neaty, I wouldn't mind the difference, its not being sold new in the show room, and in any case it would show love, which I sometimes like to spread around. :beer:

    My Justification for doing so:

    You know about the outer rubber seal for the fuel inlet/cap assembly. Well, I observe by newly formed rust on the steel part of the filler neck since last overhaul, demonstrating that a wee bit of water gets into the unit and stops at the inner green seal. :scream:
    My bike is not aways in the garage, because it wont fit in my workshop with its work benches, and is often parked uncovered outside in the rain, when I'm noit riding it. Yeah I should cover it each time, but I dont. Although, I have just got myself a nice expensive oiled cotton tarp as a rain-hedding-roof for it. That means it will air nicely too.

    The signs then, indicate a source of moisture getting in the tank fuel mix, even as condensation only, seeping though the oxidised alumimium in the area, which is also clearly to be seen, always present and forming in these fitments.
    Personally, I dont like at all flush cap fittings for a road bike because of the notorious tank sealing/rust problems. I wouldnt blame it all on moisture in the fuel at the pump myself.

    I'm loathe to put it back together with the old seal, or even a new one (which I expect will work better the start, but perhaps not after a couple of years or so with heat expansion and the elements)....

    Also one day soon the seal may not be easily available..

    Aside: I like very old fashioned method - a slightly raised soldered round filler neck and a cap like a hat over it. In fact I am still tempted to weld one in while I'm at it.... but its a fairly drastic step, not decided yet, and I seeem to be a wee bit lazy right now. See then i could just ride forever in my retirement, round and round the world, with a a waterproof tank, come rain and shine! :relieved: The amount of extra wind drag would have to bother me of course, I reckon it might measure er.. nil.


    Cheers, John
    #1 chueewowee, Jan 10, 2025
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2025
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