Like many others I spend quite a lot of time browsing eBay, bike trader, MCN classifieds etc. What I can't believe is how completely unrealistic the sellers are, my view is that 80% of the bikes for sale are up to 20% overpriced. For instance take the 748 biposto, tatty bikes are advertised at £2500 where If you follow the bikes sold by auction without reserve, they actually change hands for no more than £2000, reasonable bikes are £3,000 but worth £2,500. And it's same with most other bikes, some stuff has been for sale for over 6 months, are these people in denial, or are they really just not bothered?
As a frequent bayer, I think the type of buyer that buys in auctions can be different to the ones who browse classifieds. I always sell in the classifieds as its more relaxed, viewings are less pressured and there is less risk for the buyer to get viewings done. If I wanted my 748 gone quick, I would use the auction and take the risk. As mine is not essential to sell, I will leave in classifieds until I get a bite. Mine is pitched in the middle as I think a buyer of this type of bike would appreciated the detailed history I have, plus the extra bits & bobs with it... 1997 DUCATI 748 Monoposto, 50mm Termignoni, 8 Months MOT, Beautiful bike 916 996 | eBay I am realistic and would comfortably move on price for the right buyer, hence the 'best offer' tab. Used bike prices are all over the place at the moment too, its difficult to price stuff up I think. There is one I looked at as a gauge, mix of red and yellow panels for 2.5k, its been up for an age and its not the cleanest one either. I do think that over 3k is getting a tad salty for a bip tho...hence mine being £2,795 (But I would take £2,650 of course!) Each to their own I guess.....
I've seen yours advertised and it is one of the more realistically priced examples, especially with the mono seat conversion and Termi's.
I hope so, 75 watchers and 1050 views so far, fingers crossed for the weekend. But for some location is critical. I always think its worth travelling for the right bike but some folk can't be bothered so pay more for something closer too, It could be that the overpriced ones are either a result of seller believing that theirs is better than most, more likely paying too much when they bought from a dealer or its a trade in that 'owes' them too much!
It's not just private sales though. Some dealers are equally deluded. For example, I saw a 2010 Multistrada on there last night at £9995 or something, pretty much £10k. its an S model so let's say the buyer paid what, £15k? But it's now circa 3 years+ old and has 20500miles on the clock. It's well used at 20000 miles isn't it, let's be honest. now given its well out of warranty and with such high mileage I just can't fathom why anybody would pay that amount for it. ok there's a loss of £5k but to say the minute the bike became used it almost drops 20% of its value then add that to the mileage. theres a similar story with a lot of hypers and Streetfighters. Everybody's entitled to their own perceived value but as has been mentioned, the bikes are just sitting there for months on end with no buyers, surely they need to be realistic.
There is ( or was until recently ) a Laverda 750S Formula ( described as "original" but with lots of non-standard annodised fittings, and no mirrors ) on e-bay that started out at £10K ! Last time I looked it was down to about £8750. Given that I paid less than £3.5K for mine ( totally original, full history, 7000 miles from new ) I have to say that someone is dreaming... But then again, you never know - some cabbage might buy it...
Anodised bits and pieces, and mirror removal are both top class modifications I'll have you know! You want extras like that Mr, you'll have to pay for 'em!
I have nothing against anodised bits and mirror removal - but once you've done that you can hardly describe the bike as "original"...