P****d right off!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by SimonT, Aug 9, 2012.

  1. Just had the dreaded speeding ticket through the post. It's my own fault but what sneaky b******s hiding in a lay by where a dual carriage way changes from 70 to 50!

    Rant over.
  2. They will tell you this is for safety reasons and not to earn extra money from fines. Excuse me if I think this is bollocks. Trapping you in a place like that is for one reason only. Money.

    Regards Steve
  3. Well somebody has got to pay for all their M5 Beemers and Jag XF toys. After all we can't expect the poor dears to drive around in cheap cars can we?!!!!
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  4. It always seems to me that they aren't really focusing on the most important part of speeding and that is when it's done in a dangerous place or manner. We all like to get out there and ride and if we're honest it's usually above the posted speed limit, but it's not always dangerous. As has been said above its only done to raise money and my suspicion is that it will only get worse, I mean what better way for your local plod to boost their coffers in the current climate, than to go out and ticket motorists under the guise of safety! Get out there and catch those without tax, insurance or mot and fine them heavily rather than the (generally) honest man or woman !
  5. Gloomy news :frown:

    Reminds me if your passing through Swindon on the M4 they are very, very often sat between J15 -J16 in their little special car park, both sides.
    Also watch out for an unmarked silver BMW saloon and a black/anthracite BMW estate. Sorry don't recall 3 or 5 series.

    To be fair the plod I've met around here seem ok, but I don't like this sneaking tactics.

    Take care.
  6. Very poor rant. 2/10 for effort.

  7. I don't like this as much as the next person, infact I agree with Archer if it's not done in a dangerous place or manner, but the money the camera enforcement monkeys generate doesn't go to the force anymore, it stopped a few years ago when camera's were popping up all over the place.

    The money now goes straight to the treasury and the local forces have to apply to the government with a safety initiative to get awarded some of the cash back. This can be to promote other speed reduction methods including awareness, speed bumps and illuminated warning signs and as a last resort cameras.

    The local plod do however, directly receive a percentage of your £90 speed awareness course fee, that's why they are keen to 'offer' you the chance to attend them, if your caught within the required criteria. Which is between 10% +3mph and 10% +9mph here in Cleveland.

    Still w*nkers tho!
  8. This wasn't plod but "the road safety partnership". Plod tend to pull you if you are being silly the others are hidden in areas that will generate revenue and has nothing to do with road safety.

    If it were an accident black spot or outside a school or in a built up area then fair do's. This was revenue generating pure and simple. The most annoying part is they know it, you know it but if you try and argue they just double your points and fine as you are "obviously" a reckless and dangerous person with no regard for safety on the highway....
  9. The money still goes to the treasury.....

    As for the location, you can check if is allowed to be there as they are only allowed in designated areas that do have issues.

    But you are quite right you can't win.....you just have to accept that's the price you have to pay.
  10. Wasn't aware that local plod don't get the cash anymore, so my apologies for getting it wrong, still a real shit when its done in the wrong way! Fingers crossed i've so far avoided being caught but i guess thats just luck. Did get a bit of a scare recently when a letter dropped through the door from Cambs police who had caught the BMW I'd sold in April, on July 8th, and when I rang about it they confirmed DVLA knew I was no longer the owner!! How does that work then?
  11. As he OP has stated, it was his fault for speeding. If you don't want to give your hard earned to the government then don't speed, it's simple really. If you get caught don't blame the sneaky speed cameras, blame yourself for poor observation and lack of control over your right wrist. And yes I have been caught speeding, and yes it was my fault!
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  12. No..... because you wouldn't want them breaking down in an unreliable old heap while they were on there way to the accident your family member was involved in or the burglary that was taking place at your house etc... because then you'd probably moan about that too :frown:

    Anyway most of the cars are leased and only certain manufacturers make home office approved police spec vehicles. There are more and more Hyundai's being used in London so that p!sses on your 'Beemers and Jag' quote!
  13. With the Public Sector apparently being so hard up I don't think it unreasonable to wonder why they have such high-end cars.
    No one is suggesting the poor things have to have hot pursuit smart cars, but I'm sure a Ford Mundaneo would work. As my previous post, two plain cars spotted this week, both beamers.

    The speeding argument is as old as silly pointy hats.
    If you get caught of course you have to suck it up and move on.
    Me, I think plod could be put to better use rather than lurking behind a bush with a speed camera nicking Joe average on his way home from work!

    But, like the rest of us, Mr Plod on the 'beat' is a bitch to the wishes of his superiors.
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  14. Perhaps we could persuade them to issue fines to some of the bloody idiotic cyclists out there. Unless I've missed something, they don't make any contribution to government coffers to use the roads, totally ignore the highway code, are the cause of many accidents, take up hospital beds because they aren't wearing suitable protective equipment, don't have to prove their machine is safe,and have the cheek to complain they get no respect!
  15. +1:upyeah:
  16. Yeah Mr. Wiggins......get yourself some protective leather gear, those lycra hot pants are just soo un safe...I suppose you think your ok as you get to wear a high viz yellow jersey! :tongue:
  17. Cripes, you'll be wanting to tax pedestrians soon for wearing down the pavement.

    I am at times a pedestrian, a cyclist, a biker, a car-driver. I see it all ways. Cycling should be free for god's sake. It's non-polluting, doesn't make any noise, doesn't take up any space and keeps you fit(ter).

    You have figures, I presume, of the relative cyclist/motorcyclist injuries and the amount of hospital beds each are taking up? And all the accidents they cause?
    Sorry but this just sounds like an anti-cycling rant with nothing to back it up.

    Now, caravans.....
    Well, that's something else entirely.
  18. It's an ancient debate.
    I assume that everyone on this forum is a speeder, because if they aren't, I can't think why you'd choose a Ducati over some other form of conveyance, when they don't even work properly within the legal limit.

    Sure, don't speed, don't get caught. But it's legitimate to be a bit pissed off when plod insist on taxing you additionally for using the roads by sneakily hiding in places where you aren't doing any harm just to catch you out. Of course, if you think it's a great idea to live in a police state where you don't dare fart without getting a fine, then I am sure there a plenty of countries that can accommodate you.

    I agree with those who say, limit speed traps to problem areas, accident black spots, schools etc and leave other people to get on with their lives. So what if you are riding over the limit? What harm are you doing? A sensible society creates laws, realises that they have to have one set of criteria for simplicity's sake, and fail to enforce said law at those times and places where it isn't doing anything useful. And if police resources are scarce, then that is even more the case.
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  19. Come the revolution all people involved in prosecuting speeding bikers will be shot with bullets made of their own poo.

    Regards Steve
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  20. viva el presidente...:upyeah:
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