1260 Paddock Stand Bobbin Size

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by fatbob99, Nov 24, 2019.

  1. Turned mine down for a super duke , that’s gone now and I don’t what to use the awful ABBA stand I bought.
    So will remove the evotech bobbin and use the old stand and make a new bobbin for the 1260
    Can someone please measure their stand bobbin diameter please ?
    Thanks In advance
  2. Why don't you like the Abba stand, I've used one for years and been happy with it
  3. I have no flat ground rendering the abba a death trap
  4. If by bobbin you mean the pin that goes through the rear axle spindle then according to R&G it's 40mm. Bought one from them at the NEC in 2018, to go with the R&G stand I already had, and have been using it since.
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