Paddock Stands?

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by aleuts, Oct 3, 2015.

  1. Hi guys. Just wondering if any body knows of a paddock stand that would fit a 848 and 899? I know it will be difficult due to single and double sided swing arms but hoping some company out there makes one.
  2. Abba stand?
  3. Thanks Dave. Just had a look but these lift the bike from the middle instead of scooping it up from the back wheel like normal stands. Do you have any experience with them? It doesn't look like you can move the around while mounted and it looks abut more fiddly and less flexible? Is this the case?
  4. They are very stable and easy to use but you can't move the bike around once it is on the stand. There are various other stands available which use the swing arm pivot in a similar way to lift the whole bike off the floor and have wheels on them so that you can move the bike around - but they are much more expensive.

    I don't think you'll find a conventional paddock stand that will work on both single and double sided swing-arms.
  5. Abba are very stable and easy to use but take longer than a normal paddock. On my 996 I can't get the left fairing off when it is on the Abba which is a pain.

    You can get additional fitting so you can lift the front wheel as well or even remove the swing arm.

    Excellent piece of kit but it complements a normal paddock rather than replacing it. If you just want to oil the chain when back from a ride the normal paddock is much quicker.
  6. get a proper swing arm,,and one of these

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  7. the best rear end money can buy
  8. Hi @Dave and @Cream_Revenge thanks for the info I have also looked at vids on you tube and there's an add on for wheels buts it's more expensive than the stand! Overall it looks pretty good and upgradable. I think your right regarding finding a paddock stand for both. This solution seems my best bet. The fairing issues is a problem I tried looking for the stand on my particular model to see if it has the same issues as the 996 but I couldn't find and thing so I'll contact the company. And I'll see how cheap a normal paddock stand is to compliment it as suggested.
    @cherod your bike has it's own house!?! There isn't even any tools in there! It's completely dedicated to your bike!!
  9. From experience, personally I'd be more inclined to buy two paddock stands. Well-priced used ones are all over eBay. Once you get a few bikes you get used to needing a few stands as even the double swing-arm ones are different widths etc. I have six fronts and six rears - plus a MX style stand for my off-roader ... oh, and an abba stand with a bunch of fittings for the different bikes. They all hang up on the walls and ceiling in the garage. Bonkers I know, but there really isn't any alternative as far as I'm concerned. The abba stand is great for what it is, but I agree with @Cream_Revenge that it is more of a complement than a replacement for a regular stand.
  10. Just get a standard paddock stand with the hooks to work with swing arm bobbins. Then if you want to use it on a single sided arm you can get a bit of 15mm round bar, slide it through the hollow rear axle onto the bobbin hooks. Abba stands are good for if your working on your bike (again they are limited in places for clearance and access) but a pain in the arse otherwise.
  11. There's your answer :D
  12. To Gucci it up a bit you can even slide a piece of hose pipe over the bar to prevent any marking on the inside of the axle stub.
  13. I see a slight flaw in @Drinky 's cunning plan - how are you going to get the rear wheel off ?
  14. With your Abba stand :smile:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. Hahaha I think I'm going to have to stop visiting this forum. Seems there's always some reason to spend more money! You guys are a bad influence on my finances..
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