Pads And Disks

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by finm, Aug 1, 2015.

  1. any recommendations for suppliers of front pads and disks for a fugly 1100s. do they eat them? only 18k on it. they where replaced under warranty about 14k ago but have been shuddering for a long time but getting pretty bad now.
  2. Try cleaning the disks with brake cleaner and emery , it sounds like the faces are contaminated rather than fecked also clean the pads with really heavy grade emery , I use old belts from a belt sander. I had this on a couple bikes and it feels like the brake is grabbing and letting go and it's like a shudder.
  3. Us Irish arnt as stupid as we look .
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  4. cool, will give that ago. when it used to get dealer serviced the rear was shuddering which i mentioned (hoping to get it replaced under warranty) i got it back with no shudder and no new disk. always wondered how you detwist a disk during a service. :smile:.
    at work today to give it a bit of a service and trial fit some eh......stuff. :smile:
  5. Really clean the disk and pads hard with emery cloth or something really abrasive and let me know how you get on. I also made a part to free up the disk bobbins , a treaded bolt and nut tightened slightly onto bobbins and a battery drill to spin it then graphite or a little oil , remember to much oil will fly out when riding and feck your brakes. If you need to talk it through pm for my mobile.
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  6. nice one :upyeah:. was gonna ask about the bobbins too.
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