Paint inquiry

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Ascalon, Jan 6, 2014.

  1. Got a few minor scratches on the fairing of my 02 ST4s, which is in matte titanium grey.

    These are a few lines mm wide rather than areas to cover. Is there anything close that's available in car shops, say in the Halfords touch up pens range, that would do at a pinch colour wise?


  2. There are Ducati touch ups listed on Ebay - not sure how close a match they are. Ducati struggle matching from panel to panel sometimes ;-)
  3. Yeah, found those online, and they seem pretty good, but I was just wondering if there was an easier alternative.

    The best I found was these guys:
    Ducati Touch-up Pencil |

    They seem to have a very good selection of colour matched options.

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