
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Mar 4, 2014.

  1. Just cos she doesn't eat them means I don't get any. :mad:

    Bitch. :mad:

    Ps - Do NOT suggest that I make them. I'll end up burning the house down. Fact.
  2. You should have said earlier, Nicky always does loads of batter, you could have come here and joined us!
  3. My local Tesco has 2 for 1GBP now that Tuesday is almost over. They are already made
  4. Pancakes are a load of crepe.
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  5. Just going making ours fancy crap just lemon juice and sugar...yum!
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  6. Erm egg, milk, flour and bit of oil seems not so much Crap to me.....

    No fancy I never heard of pancakes with lj and sugar. Try it with Dulce de Leche and banana. Or banana fried with sugar and brandy till it all goes sticky yum
  7. Lovely, just a sprinking of sugar and a little scattering of fresh lemon juice. Gawwjusssss!
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  8. It's the only way to have them :upyeah:
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  9. Just had mine delivered while I am at the PC by SWMBO. Maple Syrup and Ice Cream.

    In your face ET!
  10. My pancake plans were thwarted by insufficient milk in the house - the choice was either pancakes tonight or porridge & cappuccino tomorrow morning, and I'm afraid my need for breakfast wins out.

    Was contemplating alternative pancakes - I still have half a box of instant dosa mix in the cupboard, although any self respecting South Indian wouldn't recognise the sorry objects that I produce as a proper dosa, and I'm not sure I can be bothered to make the proper spicy potato filling for a masala dosa.
  11. I hope your cock turns black and drops off :mad:
  12. I almost sang 'Can you feel the love tonight' but thought better of it. I think a chorus of 'Shaddap a ya face' is more appropriate!
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  13. Just take milk and use 1/3 milk rest cold water. Works and you will only use 30-40 ml of milk max. For porridge in morning use rest milk and bit of water. WTF women don't you know how to cook? If you have cream you could also do 1/3 milk, bit of cream and rest of water. Cheeeeeeeszzzzz
  14. I bet Glids flambéing his Suzette's as we speak - I didn't get any either :mad:
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  15. Porridge made with a mix of water and milk is always a disappointment compared with porridge made just with milk. My pancakes are bad enough without deviating from the recipe and watering them down.

    Here's an old Daily Mash seasonal special to make up for the absence of actual pancakes Millions remember the martyrdom of Saint Pancake
  16. Sugar and golden syrup , sweet as hell but once a year scrumdicious
  17. If you around London let me know I will do you proper pancakes without milk at all...... Where there is will hehe
  18. i did, 4 made for me and i managed to steel from the kids. burp.
  19. that ceramic bra is doing fuck all for them titties .
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