Pani assembly line

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by Pete1950, Jan 11, 2013.

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  1. waw ! great pics...
    the bike is growin on me... by the minute! :)
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  2. Well they must've tidied up a lot from our last visit, or they took them down the Corse area which is surgically clean. The Desmo line was much as the other lines in the factory and whilst OK, it's not some scientific 'eat your dinner off the floor, McLaren' set up. It's quite ordinary and the more human for it.
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  3. Great photographs and I think the build quality and quality control at Ducati has dramatically improved over recent years.
  4. Royum, they've cleaned up since Audi took over. We were told that it wasn't orders from North, but more that the guys wanted to work in a cleaner environment.
  5. It did look a lot tidier and cleaner than the last time we were there didn't it...! And a bit more hi tec too with the blue tooth torque wrenches.... (im liking those a lot!!!)
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