Panigale photos today... :)

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by 470four, Apr 17, 2012.

  1. Popped in to Riders in Brissol to pick up some bits for my SS - to my delight they had their demo 1199 in the carpark... :biggrin:

    Took a few random pics:








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  2. Great pics thanks. Looks the mutts. Makes me feel old for having a Mutley......oh hang on...I am!
  3. Nice, handsome looking machine
  4. Had a sit on it - front of the saddle is real narrow & rock hard, a real goochbasher! Entire saddle seems to be made of plastic? Good riding position tho, not too extreme? Not as though you will be doing a lot of touring on the bike anyways! :upyeah:

    Real light, with all that power it will be a stonker!
  5. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1334691032.895716.jpg . Lights on full effect

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  6. Agreed suspension sited transformed the bike comfort seat ordered!!!
  7. I must be a bit odd, but I still think that a bike should be ridden far and wide and nights spent away - or you're always just doing the same roads. Is that touring? My 851, 916 and now 999 went all over the place. If I had a Panigale (if I suddenly had lots more money) I'd expect it to do the same.
  8. I'm off to Europe on mine it's for riding not polishing more comfy than another duke I have had
  9. I am off to Croatia on my 1199 in June, i tour on all my bikes. The RSV4 was great round Spain :upyeah:
  10. Im picking my 1199 S up from Riders at the end of the week...hopefully
  11. Good luck with the bike hope the rain stays away for you. It's been pretty dire for me have managed over 300 miles so far.
  12. Looks like the right hand side rear shock has fallen off :wink:
  13. Just noticed they have fitted the fairing extension not if to fit mine.
  14. Was Riders 10th Birthday do on Sunday so popped down with the gf & my mate for a testride blag...

    Choice of the 1200 Multi

    796 Monster




    Bizarrely torn between the Multi and the 1199... Can see the Multi being an awesome all-day/touring bike with a decent riding position & proper seat for a pillion etc? My youth got the better of me & I chose the 1199S... :upyeah:

    My CBR6-riding mate chose the Diavel, this being his first big-bike ride, also his first Ducati try-out? We signed the papers & waited.

    Our time came - we would be following the staff chappie on the multi for a quick rideout & fired them up. The Pani took a lot of spinning on the second press to fire up & yes, they do sound very "industrial"... :biggrin: I have a 900SS carby & didnt notice much difference in the engine noise, rattles & clatter?? The standard cans are VERY vocal!

    Blapped off down the road... the riding position felt pretty much the same as my carby? Legs pretty relaxed, the seat "pad" actually quite comfortable when riding as you sat back onto the wider part?

    Tis a quick 'un! Kept it in "sport" mode (didnt see the need for "race" mode as we were in Bristol...), bit flat & lumpy below 3k, pulls up til 6k then:


    The world went backwards. Wide-eyed I kept it pinned & clicked through the gears, reveling in the Spaceship warpdrive... the tyres started to warm up, very quick controllable handling? Very firm suspension, would be perfect on a track but I was very wary of road conditions (gravel, potholes, roadkill, diesel etc) as it Was'nt My Bike.

    Very short throw indicator switch? Also kept selecting high-beam by accident when signalling right?

    [FONT=lucida grande, tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif]Leaving the roundabout the lead rider "made progress" down the road... I cracked the throttle wide open in third & the little red bike BOOMED its way forward. Peak torque did its thing & at 9000rpm in third, NINETY mph the front wheel rose a couple of inches off the floor & pitterpattered onward, my wide-eyes only retained by my visor.[/FONT]

    [FONT=lucida grande, tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif]Whooping with giggles at the Perfect Violence of it all, we continued onwards...

    Brakes - the front brakes are EPIC. A good two finger squeeze is like riding into quicksand, very powerful with great control! The back brake is in true Ducati fashion - "adequate".

    Sound - Christ its loud! Standard cans, very vocal on cam, with various pops & bangs on the overrun? Quiet enough at low revs tho...

    Comfort - legs were fine, only a little wrist ache at low speed? Usual hoohaa. Inside of my left knee did get very hot from the back pot tho? Would be interesting in Summer... The screen is far too low to be of any benefit, felt like a naked bike at speed?


    Gear lever had quite a long throw? May just be what Im used to though?

    The (preload?) adjusters on the top of the shock dig into your leg whilst stationary, the shock itself appears to have been added as an afterthought?

    Apart from that it is a very competent motorcycle! Smiles a-plenty when I got off it... VERY small (think 400cc size & weight?), very chuckable...

    [FONT=lucida grande, tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif] [/FONT]​
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  15. ** The gf has just suggested the extra mechanical noise is generated through speakers via the ECU so that it doesnt sound all nice & whirry like a Honda what with the wet clutch & camchains. :biggrin::biggrin:
  16. Howdo!!

    Saw one for the first time at Southport at the weekend and was very impressed - I likes it :upyeah: Be interesting to see how she went???? Oh me lottery numbers!!!!
  17. Good write up 470four, see you have a 900ss, have you had a 4 valve before? I must admit to being disappointed by the 1199 after previous Ducati super bikes and a 900ss.
  18. No 4 valve Doocat before, no... The throttle did seem a little vague in places?

    God knows what they sound like with a Termi on. Just glad it didnt sound too "refined"... :wink:
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