Panigale Rear Shock Mount Solutions

Discussion in 'Suspension help' started by Ohferfeksake, Jul 18, 2023.

  1. Hi, so I've just acquired a sexy Mupo Ab1 factory rear shock for my 959 and spare springs for £400 on ebay, result. Swopped out the spring without taking my head off, result.
    Having read lots of horror stories about the front mounting bolts snapping off I looked into a spider mount, but £144 for a little bracket seems a little mad. So short of that, surely the sensible thing for a tight arse like myself would be a titanium bolt in there at least, but searching around I can't find anyone selling them, only whole sets for loads a money, which seems weird as I would have thought this an obvious upgrade (people sell titanium bolts for all sorts of pointless parts but not this?). Anyone got one from somewhere?
    ....or am I missing something? Some reason why titanium is a bad idea?
    Also, that front bolt is threaded almost its entire length, so the rod eye bearing sleeve pivots on a threaded portion which seems a terrible idea, it's smooth (as you would expect) on the rear mount. Anyone know what that's about? Ducati just couldn't be arsed to make a proper bolt and used a parts bin set screw?
  2. Check the sheer strength of the ti bolt vs ductile.
  3. Ahh, thanks, should have done my homework, I just assumed Ti is super strong, but it's more a weight ratio thing. Anyone got a spider bracket going cheap?
    Weird they didn't leave that bolt smooth though.
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  4. Wilf at motorapido DM’d me on Instagram and gave me the part number for a high tensile bolt, he said once replaced they have NEVER seen one fail, and infact the only ones he’s seen fail have been off crashed bikes that then the bolt failed. Call up Motorapido and I’m
    Sure Craig will know and send one out to you
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  5. Thanks man, will give them a shout.
  6. @Ohferfeksake, I’d wait until later next week, it’s Brands Hatch this weekend which will be their focus. Andy
  7. Rang moto rapido, sending one out today, nice to speak to someone who actually seemed to know their arse from their elbow too (dealt with Croydon and my local Bristol Riders b4 and that description definately does not apply). Doing a bit of research it seems this upgrade bolt is a 12.9 whereas original is 8.8 grade. It will be interesting to see if its smooth rather than the odd full threaded original.
    I might still get a spider as from an engineering perspective the current design is piss poor and I take my kids on the back of this thing sometimes. Proper skint at the mo tho so £8 delivered for the bolt seems a good compromise. Made an offer on weagi's, will see....
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