Although the tail assembly on the rear of the Panigale isn't the worst I have ever seen I'm looking to change it for something like a R & G Tail Tidy. However, I dont want anything that looks tacky especially when you consider the value of the bike. Can anyone suggest a good quality tail tidy, one which doesn't look nasty. I do understand that this is purely subjective of course. Thanks, Rich
IMO the Evotech is much nicer (costs more though). Ducati Panigale 1199 S Tail Tidy | Ducati Tail Tidies
I have the evotech tail tidy on my 1199 with rizoma mini indicators and it really improves the look IMO !. I can post a picture if you want. AC
I'll take a look at the Evotech one thank you both. AC if you could post a pic that would be great and very much appreciated.
another vote for the evotech here, great product. was a bit fiddly to fit, having a LONG handed allen key for two of the bolts would have saved a lot of time (the one in the standard toolkit is not long enough)
Here is a couple of picks of my 1199 with the evotech tail tidy (ignore chicken strips as not had much time to use the toy, took it to Donny to scrub tyres in but as we all know it would have been safer in a boat, supercorsas not to good for river crossings) that's my excuse anyway. AC
You could do what I did , just wait until a D/P one pops up on e-bay £110 posted and like new the guy only had it on his bike for a month . All the wires tuck inside the tail tidy and it comes off in no time if you do a track day.
That one looks good too. [edit] John, did you just get the dealer to order it for you or did you order it on-line?