Panigale tyres

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by Rockmeister, Jun 18, 2012.

  1. Hello
    Im a new convert to Ducati having saved all mY pennies and bought a new 1199s. I'm more than impressed but I've just one question.what other tyres are available for this bike as the supercorsa isn't much good in the wet ie lacks tread on the outer edges of the tyre. I'd really appreciate any advice or do you know if it's ok to put a 190/55/17 tyre on in it's place instead of the 200/55/17.
    Many thanks

  2. That's the issue as the rear is a 200 profile, Nelly may be able to assist as I know Douglas has just gone to WDW on his Panigale and put some 190's on.

    You have to remember the traction control is configured for that specific tyre size also
  3. Jons right, fit 190's but remember the TC settings.....or get them re configured....
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  4. Stick with oe it was developed with that in mind.

    They were the same when they first come out on my rsv and that had f all tc!!
  5. Traction control, how do we all live without it? Never needed it on any bike so far on the road, I doubt the system will go AWOL with a 190 on the road but it all depends how hamfisted you are.
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  6. Douglas is indeed running a 190. He's made a slight adjustment to the DTC settings but all seems well.
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  7. How or who did he reconfigure the DTC any advice would be appreciated hopefully Ducati or Pirelli will realise that more tyres are needed?
  8. Problem is in the wet they are going to be crap there's no tread on the outer they are like a cut slick
  9. Just turn off DTC and learn to use your right wrist if road conditions are not ideal... it is not that difficult! The Panigale is hardly the most terrifying superbike made...
  10. Do you really need to be on the 'slick edge' of the supercorsa in the wet? I haven't ridden one so I don't know how the tyre profile looks on the rim and what the wear looks like so can't say for sure. My experience was that I ran them in the wet (998) and didn't have a problem, because I wasn't leaning them over enough. Especially with standing water around.
  11. Sorry, by reconfigure, all i meant was he's notched it down a level on the dash. Say from 4 to 3. No techy wizardry :wink: Douglas wanted better mileage and more tread for his trip to WDW. Think he's gone for Roadsmarts?
  12. SC also aquaplane easily upright with lts of standing water. Depends what kind of riding you're out t do. If its like Douglas, who seems to be on his every day regardless of weather and touring everywhere, SC probably aren't that good. If you do say 4k summer miles a year with a few TDs they're great.
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  13. Thanks Guys I've been on to the dealer who has emailed Ducati to see if they have any news of further tyres being available and how to get round the issues when fitting a 190/55/17 if you hear more please let me know

  14. I spoke to Neil at Cornerspeed and he thinks that the 190/55/17 will do just fine and to soften off the traction control nothing ventured and all that will let you know when I've done it new tyres in next few days thanks to everybody for your help
  15. Just took a look thru the main manufacturers web sites on tyre choices. Bridgestone list a couple of tyre choices (S20 and 003) for the 1199 and both run 190/55. None of the other sites are listing the Panigale yet......including Pirelli???
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  16. Nelly thanks I contacted my dealer and they just said the oem tyre but I'll now have them recheck with your info thanks for your help I'll get back tomorrow when I've spoken to them
  17. I saw my first Panigale in the plastic and aluminium today and checked out the rear tyre. Ha! A lot of laughs that would be on a mountain pass in the pissing wet!

    Are we to assume that the Panigale is not a real-world road-going bike?
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  18. I can't get my head around this thread!! If you want a touring bike buy one!

    Pani has traction control for wet and it's bloody good system. Ridden my loads in wet and no issues!!

    It's the front tire you need to worry about!!
  19. I hear what your saying but really! The rear tyre is not a good option for everyday use given our climate. Traction control does work but if you are depending on it just to keep the Bike stable then I really think a better tyre is needed and the traction control can do its stuff when you are on the pace.
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