Good morning! Could anyone please tell me what this part is...or more importantly, where it goes...I believe it is off my 999...thx!
If you ever want to ID a part, take a close up photo of it and save to PC. Then use Google. To the right of the search box is a camera icon. Click it and either drag your image or navigate to the file. Search the image and bingo. Does not seem to be for a 999 though.
Cheers ! It's still a mystery I don't own, and have never owned a motorcycle on that list..
Maybe, bit weird though as I have a working pile of parts that have come from a 900ie and a very small number of 999 bits from having the fairings off for painting... I guess it goes into spares and if something is rattling I'll know where it goes. On a happier note...look at how sexy the 999 turned out: