"Paul" from Clerkenwell is back

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by wroughtironron, Sep 11, 2013.

  1. The guy who hasn't worked for eight years as he doesn't like getting up in a morning, nor wearing a supermarket uniform, has phoned LBC radio today to complain that the bedroom tax is unfair as his mates won't be able to stay over when he has parties.....

    Long-Term Jobless Man Refused To Wear Uniform For Job | LBC
  2. dirty rotten lucky barstuard
  3. I refuse to watch/listen to complete fucktards. Just another oxygen thief :mad:
  4. mind you..is he any worse than that (yet again) Tory MP who is an alledged rapist of men and boys?
    How many more of them eh? This is why i dont vote...Its the voters who are putting this slime in charge of the country.
    anyway..back to the topic..
  5. My default position is that people are untrustworthy, lazy bastards. I am happy to be convinced otherwise, but in many cases I am not.
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