If any body fancies some nice weather and 2 days at Paul Ricard circuit you can book on 4G Motos web site. Rode with 4G a few weeks ago, really well organised and quite cool. 15/16 June....
Moto : Calendrier des journées de Stage de pilotage et d'entrainement sur Piste Moto There you go, you can even have a training day with Freddie Spencer for 500 euros :Greedy: I am going to book the sunday/monday, 400 euros. What is interesting is they put coloured cones at all the turn in points, apex's etc . So even if you do not do the training you can a least learn all the lines as they run at the same time.
The 4G site is quite good but it helps if you speak French....:Banghead: Just go on the calender and look at Juin....