Pcn For A Ducati Van?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by J0n3s, Jul 1, 2024.

  1. Received a PNC and after a few seconds of wasn't there, spotted the obv errors. When the council (or whoever deals with PCN issuing) pulls the data from the DVLA they must get vehicle type, and you'd have thought they would realised the number plate was linked to a motorcycle not a van.

    You would have thought if someone was going to clone a number they would look for a similar vehicle type, plus one that was taxed, mot'd and insured.

    Slightly miffed at the automatic presumption of guilt now on vehicle related fines, and the appeal application that now has to be made. C’est la vie.

    • WTF WTF x 1
  2. Maybe its a Fiat Ducato..
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. I had one of these where they’d got the letters on my plate (car) in the wrong order. A bit like this threads title ;)

    Just send an email saying it’s not your vehicle and the reg is for your bike and they’ll back off.
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  4. Before you point out their error, make sure you request copies of the images as their letter says you can. Just to inconvenience them. This also gives you an extra two weeks to keep them waiting.
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  5. Have you seen the image of the number plate ?
    Is it exactly your bike number or has it been misread?
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  6. Will need to get a higher res digital pic to determine that, just have a print out atm.
  7. I once got the dreaded double flash on the M1. A quick glance at the dash- 112mph (02.30h)… oops.

    But (I assume) ANPR misread a zero for the letter O. The reason being when I got to the airport, the car park barrier wouldn’t lift so when I hit the assistance button, the friendly voice informed me that the camera was misreading my number. Never heard anything from plod. Phew… :D
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  8. Was yours years ago? I don't think they are permitted to manually enhance or modify the photo, following a case which set precedent that the photo was not original following enhancement. Camera resolution at the time probably made it hard to determine some letters and numbers (0s and Ds for one). Of course all enhancement now happens in volatile memory prior to writing to disc (I know they don't contain discs now, it's still described as that when writing to storage).
  9. Road traffic enforcement can be a tricky and very technical area of law but there are quite a few websites and forums dedicated to the practice of spending dozens of man hours in order to defeat £60 tickets. That’s not intended as a dig btw. As a matter of principle, I’ve fought and won quite a few myself and have deemed the time very well spent indeed!
  10. For me the grown up way to deal with this is to ring that number, be polite, explain there is clearly a van in the picture and your details relate to a motorbike … of course assuming that you weren’t there with your motorbike and they haven’t just attached the wrong photo ‍:innocent::sob::sob:
    #10 andyb, Jul 1, 2024
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2024
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. It was just before Covid. Smart motorways were being commissioned in my area and I believe the camera storage was cloud based as opposed to removable storage. Another possibility is that the system wasn’t fully operational at that time. I was bloody lucky, I do know!!
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  12. The mc hasn't been on the road, taxed, insured or mot'd since bringing it back from Phillip Island in 2019.

    I appealed online within an hour of receiving the pcn.

    As a multi business owner in the uk and abroad, my nascent interest is primarily the transactional cost in terms of theoretical economics and how one region is gradually out competed by others. I see first hand the economics of business in the UK, EU, FE and BRICs. This PCN is good example of poor filtering at source multiplying resource inefficiencies down stream, consuming ever more resource in a virtual infinite loop for no economic gain until "it" collapses. Wrong forum for such introspection.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. Exactly!!

    • Funny Funny x 3
  14. That reads like the sort of impenetrable lunacy which MBA graduates post on LinkedIn! :laughing:

    If you mean, "these sort of automatic systems are prone to errors and it's a monumental pain in the arse to deal with them", I'd have to agree. We used to make stuff which was the envy of the world, but now the only growth industries in the Panoptical Republic of Grate Britin are in the sector of the economy occupied by the chiseling crooks and parasites who come up with and implement ever more ingenious ways to surveil the populace and entrap and enforce petty misdemeanours. :mad:
    • Agree Agree x 2
  15. Sadly too true - and its getting worse. Least years ago, you might of got through to a human but now its automated this and that that means something 3mins with someone with a brain now takes hours of life to sort.

    Slightly off the topic but it will only get worse, few weeks ago to get a refund for something a company took in error I had to join an online queuing system. I did wonder what the f**k the world has come to that we have to join queues on the internet these days!
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  16. AI is your friend, it would write that bollox in seconds!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. Tell me about it. I recently had a lot of hassle with the DART people after it came to light that I had 3 outstanding charges sent to my previous address that had reached the bailiff enforcement stage and the grasping government licensed muggers wanted over £1,200 in order to leave me alone. That problem in itself came about because of "computer says no" problems with both updating my address with the DVLA and arranging redirection with Royal Mail. I imagine the Birmingham Six only had to jump through slightly more hoops than I did in order to get their convictions overturned.

    Anyhoo - DART wrote to me last week and today to inform me that one of the PCNs is being cancelled because it should never have been issued in the first place, another one is being cancelled as a gesture of goodwill and I only have to pay the other one at the original discounted rate. However, it cost me about 6 hours of my time to achieve this outcome and I do wonder if I would have had the same success if I was just Joe Bloggs writing from a Gmail address rather than a bolshie barrister writing letters from his Chambers email.

    I dread to think how much worse this is going to get once the powers that be get their way and implement digital central bank currency, so that charges and fines can be debited automatically as soon as you transgress (for "your security and convenience", y'understand).

    EDIT: just tried to pay the PCN I couldn’t get rid of, only to receive an on screen message stating “There are no outstanding PCNs on this vehicle”. God. Give. Me. Strength…….:triumph:
    #17 Zhed46, Jul 2, 2024
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2024
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  18. No AI, just cognitive application.

    AI has been around for 30+ years, it's peak hype at the moment, much like NFTs, Crypto, VR and every other hype cycle before it. Like anything programmatic it can't do anything it's not asked to do by a person.
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  19. Well I'm 60, no graduate, and if I came across a graduate with such an insight i'd be shocked. Most of the grad/mba material I see is of shockingly low quality.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. I thought the whole point of AI (and the potential danger) is that it can learn and act in a self-directed manner?
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