
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by ronin, Oct 20, 2014.

  1. Underrated.
  2. a necessity... ya couldnt say "its all gone pear shaped" without the pear.
  3. It's all gone tits up works
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. yes.. exactly.. you need something to visualize.. Tits is good to (way better than pears)
  5. Pear of tits?
    • Like Like x 2
  6. loving your work dude
  7. Pear shaped
  8. Got to be really crispy, can't stand them when they are ripe
  9. tits?
    • Like Like x 2
  10. An apple a day is a good for you but not as good as a pear at night.
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  11. Avoid the low hanging ones.
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  12. Another thread about Boobies! :Wideyed:
  13. Oh yes. Plumptious, firm and smothered in custard.
    #14 Gimlet, Oct 20, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 21, 2014
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  14. Pears are nice.
  15. Canned pears are the best. :upyeah:
  16. no their not.
  17. Oh yes they are, well Watties ones are anyway. :p
  18. Matt doesn't like Pears, or Boobies perhaps. One of the two by the looks of things... hope for his sake it's Pears he don't like :(
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