Pete1950 Vs the rest of us normal non elitist types.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Cranker V2, Apr 15, 2013.

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  1. Pete1950. An interesting character at times and also an irritating wannabe intelligentsia at times. Should his blatant dissemination of our common thoughts be encouraged or sent to room 101? He poses controversial (or is that subversive) questions and then quite unabashedly gives us his opinions. 1. Is he a boon to our forum or 2. An irritating overeducated fuckwit? The floor is open. :upyeah:
  2. Now whats happened?
  3. I don't know what he's done to upset you, but I find some of his posts very interesting and informed! I also get the impression he likes to play the devils advocate at times, and probably sits there chuckling at the responses to his posts!
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  4. +1 for Archer's post.
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  5. Pete1950 has done nothing at all to upset me.
  6. Seemed like a nice enough chap when I met him :upyeah:
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  7. I agree with Archer
    Keep him in
  8. I don't think he's upset the cranker, " I said the Cranker" , seems cranks is playing Pedro at his own game.
  9. He's very clever at winding people up. If he doesn't chuckle at the responses he gets then I most definitely do :smile:
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  10. I thought that Pete's reaction to the request for a normal sized font was quite bizarre. Since then I've tended to read his posts slightly sceptically.

    If there's space in Room 101 I'd rather it was saved for some of the extremists in the Margaret Thatcher thread!
  11. Humankind at its best; deriving great pleasure from others frustrations, upset and generally negatively affecting their life.


    edited: not a comment at anyone specific perse just a description of those who wind others up for fun
    #12 bradders, Apr 15, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2013
  12. LOL, what an interesting question. The more the merrier imho. Pete's postings are always worth reading.
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  13. That's life I guess
    We all have an opinion what I don't like is when it becomes personal and name calling

    Be a dull world if we all agreed on everything
  14. Pete who ?
  15. Hello Pete :upyeah:
  16. Damn you Dave , we were well into the Spartacus equation then, and you messed it up . LOL
  17. Ahhh sorry .... give me a mo ....
  18. ..... I'm Pete.
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