BBC News - Peterborough sex attacks: Two men and three teens guilty am I guilty of unconscious racisms, or are all (most of not all) the major rape cases involving multiple individuals of origins other than Uk? And most either muslim or muslim country background? Bradford, Oxford, Birmingham, Leicester all recent cases. And why is it the victims are mostly young white girls? I fear the Mail mentality is penetrating into my psyche....or is this fact?! yours confused...
I don't think you are being racist, it is a problem amongst young Asian males and one that many in the Asian community acknowledge. What is very disturbing is their treatment and complete lack of respect for young venerable girls, I don't know if this is a cultural issue or more a general reflection of society. As a Father of an 11 year girl it's a very worrying trend.
As the great billy Bragg said it's what sells newspapers. Stranger rapes account for a tiny proportion of sexual violence/assaults/rapes the vast (over 90%) are inter familial. That doesn't sell the mail/sun/mirror etc though does it.
This is familiar rapes tho isnt it, where they are groomed and shared around for sex. Like prostitution
Not to start with it wasn't it's my understanding they were initially strangers, then groomed ( built a relationship with the victims) to enable them to carry out the sexual offending then carried it onto the girls friends. Classic Child Sexual Exploitation. Inter familial refers to parents, carers and significant others in the life of a child that will target and abuse eg; father, stepfather , grandfather, mothers new boyfriend within the family context.
They should have shouted "surprise!". Once you shout that, its not rape then, its surprise sex. Its the law.
In my head stranger is dragged down the alley and left in a pile. Familiar is someone you know and trust. But probably not technically right given your explanation.
Asians have a much stronger family bond. Men expect to marry Virgins and so the women ar closely guarded and protected. They have a chauvenist concept of "silk"(women) and "Gold"(men). If you drop silk in a puddle it will be stained with mud and no matter how much you wash it the stain remains wheras gold take it out of the puddle and the muck just runs off.So the men to get there kicks prey on vulnerable impressionable young white girls who don't get the family protection.Asian Women don't expect to marry a Virgin but because of the cocept he appears to be one
Cut their balls off and feed them to the filth that perpetrate these crimes... Asian or not. They all deserve castration with a blunt hacksaw, and no anistesia!
Well, you've just revealed the sort of fantasies which fill your head. Very brave of you to confess like that.
I prefer Radiheads fantasy's to yours I'm afraid Pete. At least with his these scum are dead and buried , I take it you'd prefer to prosecute them , or (I hope not in your case ) defend them . To then see them released on a technicality or get parole early . To what end result , free to do it again , no thanks , we really need to depopulate the world of these sorts .
Am I right in thinking that one of the Peterborough defendants had to have translation to understand his trial? Will he be deported after his jail sentence or is he an EU citizen? If so, can't he be deported now and locked up in his mother country? You'd think these reciprocal arrangements would exist, no? They can deport his mate too. My view is that whilst there may not be any more foreign scumbags than home-grown ones proportionally, you should at least be able to get rid if all foreign criminals. UK, like Switzerland is way too soft on this.
Every time I see a headline like this on a news website. I know that upon reading the story, I'm going to see men with asian names. Unfortunatley in this country any kind of debate or discussion about this would immediatley have you branded racist. The same goes for immigration, benefit tourism, etc, etc, etc. When watching these "Police Stop" type programs on tv, I can tell what kind of person will get out of an uninsured car 95% of the time. It's all a bit annoying.