So, anyone near to paying the £1 per litre price yet? Coming soon apparently. By the time of the election, fuel will be so cheap that we're all gonna feel like millionaires and thus vote the Tories in for managing the economy so well. Errr, could happen.
The loss of VAT will be hurting the exchequer by now, as soon as the election is over duty will be hiked. Steve
The price per barrel compared to the price drop in petrol bears no relation and we are being ripped off. Unless someone can show me the associated figures and prove otherwise of course - but I think we are, big time
Processing costs will still be the same however I go along with the theory that we are being ripped off..
I use a lot of diesel in my works truck ,usually fill up 2 to 3 times a week . so got a tescos club card and now get 20 pence a liter off when I fill up my gas guzzling x5 . 92 pence a liter last week.
I doubt it mate, there is an election in May and they will want to keep the general populace sweet till then.
The UK government has FA influence on the price of crude, so the rice will rise when OPEC decides. Not UDICKs, Conmanservatives, Labour louts or Labias. When Russia is bankrupt and can no longer supply cheap fuel and the tipping point for shale gas is breached and fucks up the USA, OPEC will raise prices to fund revenue for islamist conversion cells.