Petrol station fiddling with counters

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Lucazade, Mar 23, 2014.

  1. So just road up to petrol station. By my mileage I should have about 0.7-1l petrol left in tank.
    So I fill up as usual to 3rd click (after that I do not bother but I could get about 0.4l more).
    At said mileage and 3rd click I usually end up about 13.7l-13.8l. I do the same route weekly and fill up at the same time so always end up with same amount purchased.

    Yet today magically I managed to put in 14.1l with possibly at worse another 0.3l to go and at worse 0.7l in tank so I managed to overfill by 1l easy.

    Where one can report such petrol station?
  2. Are you taking the medication still Lucas???
  3. Why do not like getting shafted
  4. Talk to local trading standards at the council
  5. Are you sure you filled up correctly last week?
  6. I usually find that I put less petrol in when it's been raining because I'm smoother on the throttle, even though the mileage is exactly the same.

    I doubt the petrol station is ripping you off. In fact they probably have stickers near the pumps that tell you the last time the council (trading standards?) came and did a check of them all; the ones in Essex certainly do.
  7. I have had this before. Managed to get over 20 litres in bike. I also work in motor industry and often know the tank size of car I'm in, yet I can put more in.
  8. Talk to local trading standards at the council

    Yeh just send them an email, I'm sure they'll take your complaint seriously..........
  9. Probably the local council conspiracy to get back all those fines you haven't paid ;)
  10. But that would mostly have to be Bromley council which is the other end of London ..... Boy do they have it on me.

    This is actually second time it happened to me and same brand of petrol station, will let you guess but it is run by Mr Apu with his clones, but last time it was SE London on SS. Tank 16l I arrived with reserve not even permanently on so minimum 3l left in tank. I fill up and get a result of 16l so 2 to 3 litters over. On that occasion when I mentioned that before paying he said I should just leave..... felt like a threat so I left (plus it was nice summer day).

    I did also notice some petrol stations round your final bill up all the time.

    From fuel I purchased I should have paid £13.87.1 obviously it was £13.88 D
  11. It seems highly unlikely to me that garage forecourt staff would be able to tamper with the plant in order to deliver less fuel - the fact they're working in a garage forecourt would suggest to me that they aren't up to the task...
  12. We did have a few cases of suspected petrol station staff scamming customers bank cards a few years back.I was one who had over a thousand pounds lifted from my account.
    I always use cash or a credit card now,never my debit card.
  13. Do not know how it works in UK but surely skimming a bit of petrol on each litter would not be that hard to accomodate. At the end it is not like those machines are built like cash points.
  14. paranoia is a terrible thing. wights a measures people just a phone call away.
  15. I did write to one of the fuel companies to ask why my local forecourt staff always kept the loose change on top of the counter rather than in the till. Oddly enough the next time I went in there all the members of staff were new and the loose change was in the till...
  16. As far as I am aware (I was once General Manager for a company that maintained petrol filling stations) it would be pretty difficult, if not impossible for the staff to tamper with the readout and counters.

    The pumps each have an underground direct connection to the display in the kiosk; a system normally installed and regularly maintained by Siemens.
  17. something like this?

  18. You do realise you can get more in when the weather's colder, don't you? Could that be the cause?
  19. It is not that cold.
  20. There is a fair point there but same can be said about credit card systems. If you try and open a PED terminal (CC terminal) tamper alert shows up that can be reset "only" by technician.
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