
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by He11cat, Aug 13, 2013.

  1. Ok what's yours :)
    Last night I was home alone as the boys have gone on hols .
    This huge spider came belting past me and before I could get it ran into the junk room I am trying to clear out :(
    Got Hoover .. Il Hoover up the dam thing... Opened the door and there it was threatening me then ran at me .
    So I shut the door.
    10 mins later open door and it ran across the room and vanished.
    By now I was deathly white dripping with sweat and nearly in tears.

    I can deal with snakes , lizards , giant millipedes , snails , frogs , toads and bees.

    Wasps I hate ..
    Spiders I have a complete phobia of .
    I know it's ridiculous :(
    I'm bigger and scarier .
    It's the way they move and their randomness .. They go one way then another .. And house spiders are So big!
    Once someone thought I was being stupid and chucked one at me .
    I had a massive panic attack and I get to the point I want to vomit.
    I break out in sweat .. Even they were shocked by my reaction " oh you really are scared of them!!!!!
    Er yes!!!!!
    I think all spiders should look like Itsy and bitsy and talk like them ..
    Then I'd like them.
    Not the sneaky nasty things I get here.

  2. no likey :-(
  3. my daughter was born 2 months premature after the wife woke up with one on her face.
  4. I'm ok with arachnids... My phobia is heights... I'm fine with planes and am even ok in high buildings, but things like glass lifts, ladders (even stepladders) I am useless with. Even the local shopping centre I can't handle when I have to park on the upper floors...
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  5. Mondeos :mad:
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  6. Spiders............there's always two the buggers.

    and Wasps and Hornets and Flies..............particularly flies...........why do they land on me and not her?

  7. You shouldn't have been trying to have a blowjob at her stage of pregnancy...........
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  8. France.... uuurgh!!!
  9. tis my god given right.
  10. Not really scared of anything but I do shake like a shitting dog when up a ladder
  11. Used to have phobia of worms. Cured it.
  12. men in lycra at traffic lights - mainly when its very hot
  13. I don't mind the height, it's the edge that sometimes give me the collywobbles... :eek:
    No, not him in U2...:rolleyes:
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  14. Yep - That is my main problem as well - Hate having to go anywhere near floor to ceiling glass when up high in a building, and never, never look over the edge. I sometimes have to work on the 9th floor in one of our Data Centres - Glass lifts... Bet some of the people in that building think I'm a right weirdo!! I wouldn't say it's fear though - More a really uncomfortable feeling, dizziness and nausia...
  15. In front of you or behind?
  16. I have a fear of water if I can't touch the bottom and of things in the sea like jelly fish
    I had to swim ashore once from a boat it wasn't far I got on the steps and froze it took an hour and persuasion and tears to prise my hands off the handles and be able to grab onto someone as I let go

    If anyone is familiar with the freshwater lily ponds near Tenby I struggled to walk across there also hanging on for dear life

    My greatest fear is to be stuck in a car underwater and not being able to get out
  17. None of my dogs have ever had the shakes while evacuating, where have you seen the ones that do shake ?
  18. I've also got a phobia of Zombies... Especially the Nazi Alien Ninja Zombies from Mars! They are bad ass!! You do NOT want to get bitten by one of those bad boys!!
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  19. I'll admit to being increasingly phobic about dancing or having to listen to music. I tend to steer clear of situations where this might arise.
  20. That will be your two left feet Pete ;-)
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