So, some young RAF chap gets a photo taken next to an ex-member of the Taliban... I can't see what the fuss is all about really... A bit like taking a photo on a track day; something to show those who couldn't make it... It was only a photo... Discuss ?
Sad thing is we have to comply with the Geneva Convention which means we shouldn't do it yet there are probably loads of pics of dead allied military being shown in Afghan as we speak. They just don't give a shit about ethics like we do. I was unfortunate enough to see an ex military mate of mine being beheaded a few years ago on worldwide tv which is far worse than a few pics of a dead Taliban taken by some RAF types. I re-wrote this a couple of times changing it to keep it polite.
It's war, it's not nice, why people moan about a bloody picture is beyond me. I guess its nice in the ivory tower they write the articles from whilst quaffing a latte.
I blame the media... If a photo surfaces, it should be ignored... The same media probably labeled the guy a hero at the time of the incident... Hope his career doesn't suffer; I would have thoughts that mere minutes before it was taken the rounds would have been going down...
I will tell you why it was a bad move: It gives the Taliban propaganda against ISAF forces and undermines the operation. By taking these pictures you are giving the villagers in Afghanistan a reason to allow IEDs in their area, a reason to house and feed taliban fighters over night. You would think that Jimmy the Poppy farmer wouldn't hear about this stuff in the back waters of the shittiest provinces but they do. If you're going to misbehave then do so, but don't take photos. This has been happening since Iraq. It was a shit idea then and it's a shit idea now. The guy is an idiot. Do you think it is worth another serviceman losing a limb as a direct result of you having a 'cool' war photo?
I wouldn't put the blame on the guy who took the photo, or the guy in it... These things happen.... It's not like he's cut his ears off.... Jimmy the poppy farmer wouldn't hear about this stuff if the media didn't circulate it...
If the photo hadn't been taken by the subject of the image or the camera operator they wouldn't have anything to circulate. This is no ones fault but theirs. Don't take photos. Donttakephotosdonttakephotosdonttakephotos. How many times must this happen?
I agree that people shouldn't take photos, but these things happen; so no need to make too much of a fuss about it when it does. There is a positive side to it... the guy has not mutilated the body, or been photographed pissing on him, just a cheery thumbs up... That's an improvement on photos of the past... If people weren't expected to break military rules, then there would be no need for military law. Let's hops the military are not swayed by media opinion to over react... So the guy took the photo. Common sense should now prevail...
Unfortunately the media want to sell papers. It's all well and good for the guy that's in the photo because he is at home. I'm the one sat in Afghanistan while this story is breaking and at risk of getting killed by pissed off Afghans as a result.
Common sense will prevail. The servicemen will be punished, in part, to discourage other fools doing foolish things. Destabilising a region further that is already somewhat destabilised - is this helping your fellow servicemen or not? Common sense should tell you the answer. Controversial photos get published. They always get published. Every time.
Relatively speaking, it's not controversial... on a scale of 1 to 10, it's a 1... This photo will have little impact on the outcome of Afghanistan; or even less... I doubt if the guard was doubled over-night because of its circulation... There may be a few disgruntled mutterings, but I doubt the Taliban and AQ training camps are now bursting at the seams because of it...
Im in 2 minds about this... well 3 really.... Its does say something about the value of life not just in a war zone but in general, it seems these days when something bad or gruesome happens instead of helping or being shocked, people grab a camera or phone and film it. Having said that if some fucker does what these animals do why would you value their life or respect their death? But, as pingping says its fucken dumb to do this for the exact reasons he mentioned. Its fuelling a fire that's already out of control. Still, you train a soldier to do a job and he does what he's been trained for, how can you expect him not to take some pride? after all war has been glorified from day dot. soldiers and warriors have been heros for ever. I think if they had the technology back as far as you like, photos would have been taken, and distributed to scare the enemy and songs would have been sung for the heros...... But its a different enemy now.. or is it? you either go the whole hog and be as evil as possible slaughter every fucker that crosses you, show the photos, impale their severed heads etc... or you must be cleaner than clean and not stoop to their level. Prove to the masses that you are trying to win over that you are better than the taliban
@comesunt, if even one person is injured by someone inspired by this event then it's too much. You are not here, I am. The Afghans don't need a good f****** reason to get pissed off. They just need any old excuse. They'll shoot an ISAF soldier because he mentioned his wife or because he put a Quran on the floor or because his father told him Americans don't respect Islam and they disrespect the dead. (Out here, everyone who isn't afghan is American) It doesn't matter if the picture is of extreme behaviour or not. They judge it by their own standards, not by yours or mine. These people have no capacity to contemplate 'common sense', they're not willing to listen to reason. This photo is a bad move and causes a whole heap of trouble and it's easy for you to say it's not that bad or it's not a problem because you're not the one getting shot at or trying to keep your legs attached to your body. I'm not asking for the guy in the photo to get punished, I just really reall f****** wish he hadn't done it in the first place. Edit: @chizel. There is a difference between being proud of a job well done and taking photos of bodies for a keepsake. Nobody behaves that way in the modern age because it's not acceptable to do so. This isn't a war against a uniformed enemy, it's an insurgency which is dependent on the support of the populace for it's ability to fight. Win the people = win the war and this kind of activity helps no one.
pingping, you seem to be missing my point... I agree that people should not take photos such as the one in question. What I am suggesting is that the media should not make a song or dance about it, and over egg what it is... They have done more damage than the guy who took the photo... So yes, the guy took the photo, it should't have happened, but it did... But the media should not turn a drama into a crisis; or more so a misdemeanour into an international incident... The Afghans who are pissed off, are already pissed off... this photo has probably not changed they way they feel...
The media are doing what the media do. Bringing stuff to the attention of the public so that they can sell newspapers, etc. That's what they do. Sometimes the public needs to know about what the media publishes, sometimes it doesn't. It would be nice if the public was more discerning concerning "news" and didn't reward prurient and sensationalist journalism but the public are useless at being discerning (or even decent). So, we either censure the media for bringing up stuff that we may or may not need to know about ... or we take issue with an individual who has done something distasteful, illegal and dangerous to himself and his colleagues. Someone mentioned common sense?
Interesting the dead-un is wearing USA combat clothing..........Who did that belong to?... Private Ochoa.......and what happened to him?