Pierobon Frame Experts.

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Nelson, Oct 6, 2014.

  1. Just looks like a normal 848 to me.
  2. if it was a Pierobon frame would you go to great lengths to remove the sticker that said that it was??

    plus the ones on the Pb site have Pierobon stamped on them by the footrest hangers..
    Frame : 1098/ 1198 SBK
  3. I think the ali ones are stamped, couldn't see the same on the steel item.
  4. Looks too much like OEM to me...
  5. Pierobon don't bother to weld the ancillary brackets for the OEM fairing lowers on their frame. Check the diameter of the semi-vertical tube down to the swingarm pivot on the Pierobon frame and the same tube in the mugger's photo. BTW he's also selling some vans, a couple of large ex-MOD generators and a jumbo jet, Rodney !!
    Pierobon frame.jpg
  6. Pierobon frames were always tig welded , up to the 999 , this one doesn't seem to be .

  7. Borgo Panigales picture is a tig welded frame.
  8. Its still tig welded though . ebay one is automatic mig welding . Tig welded frames are done by hand .
  9. Didn't you say "up to the 999"? This is an 848.
  10. I havent seen anything after a 999 frame from pierobon was what I meant to say . But the pictures posted are tig welded frames and if they are from a 848 then theres your answer.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  11. bit odd tho, isnt t?

    3k frame on a bike with std forks, cheap ohlins shock, nothing special really fitted at all
  12. Maybe but the modern ones bought by mere mortals are tig welded. As the photos prove .
  13. I wouldn't bid on it without some firm prove of it's provenance...Interesting though...:pompus:
  14. Got the standard pressed rearset brkts on. Pierobon ones are plate.
  15. That was the main/easier anomaly that I spotted...:Bookworm:
  16. If u go onto pierobon web it states frames are tig welded !-)
  17. If you pop over to the workshop, Massimo will show you how it's done ;)

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