Pikes Peak and Bonneville

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by wroughtironron, Feb 9, 2013.

  1. Just booked my holiday flights to Denver in the summer, and realised I can drive to both Bonneville and then Pikes Peak during my two weeks there.

    Bonneville is a must after seeing those two documentaries and "The Worlds Fastest Indian".

    My missus doesn't know about these yet, and keeps asking "Why are we going to Colorado?"

    I've told her the malls have great shops......
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  2. Bonneville to Denver has got to be 500 miles away (8-9 hrs by car). I'd just drop her off at the mall and disappear for the day :upyeah:
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  3. Plan is to drive to Salt Lake City (500 miles ?) and leave her there for a day
  4. she'll come back a mormon..which sounds surprisingly close to moron..
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  5. Both are on my bucket list. I'm very jealous :upyeah:
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  6. So are you going to hire a Bonneville to ride to Bonneville and a Pikes Peak to ride to Pikes Peak?
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  7. Oh wouldn't it be lovely ?

    I'm afraid it wouldn't be realistic though given the amount of luggage my other half lugs about....
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