1200 Please Help - Qd Exhaust Fitting - Calling All Qd Exhaust Owners

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by David D, May 19, 2015.

  1. @Tripletrouble @Boomer @MJW61 @rivets @steveomac

    Guys, and All QD exhaust system owners...

    Can you help with a fitting question please? The dealer Steve is using reckons there is a part missing (pipe) to connect to the rear header.

    Would you mind checking your systems and seeing how the rear header connects to the QD exhaust please?

    Is the QD part one pipe or two?

    There's definitely a large main part...this leads to the front header pipe, splits into 2 to connect to the end cans, and has a pipe that goes to the rear header.

    Question is, is there anything in between the main QD pipe and the original rear header pipe?

    I think "no", my mechanic thinks "no", but I don't have the fitting instructions anymore...

  2. If memory serves, you need to remove front header to enable you to wiggle rear header on then refit front. It's a bit of a buggers muddle but achievable with the right combination of expletives.
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  3. Not near bike at the moment but I don't think there's another connecting pipe
  4. Yeah....there are actually 2 parts to the piping...the main part, and a smaller rear part that passes through the swing arm. I'm trying to get hold of that part from QD Italy...

    Here's a picture of the full set of pipes, etc. [​IMG]

    And the gap....
  5. If you look at the full set very carefully, you can see the small link pipe...
  6. I stand corrected!
    It was 2 years ago!
  7. Yes, same applies to us all... I was convinced it was a single pipe....mechanic too... Well. Here's hoping QD can sort me out (and Steve).
  8. Stupid question, but you don't use any of your original exhaust do you? Just wondering if that little piece is part of the original system.
  9. Yes you do... The front and rear header pipes... It's not a completely "full" system, more a 3/4... It keeps the pipes which hold the lambda sensors.
  10. Ah, so you are missing that little pipe then.
  11. Yeah....sadly.
  12. Yeah, sorry to say DD you do need the little pipe extension that goes through the swinging arm and connects to the original rear header pipe

    Hope you can source one [emoji106]
  13. Yeah... It's Steve's bike, so I hope I can source one too..
  14. You're going to laugh your arse off when you get these fitted. Leave the DB killers (baffles) out and your ear plugs in.
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  15. Well, all good in the end... I called the factory, and long story short, Manuel De Liso (owner) has sorted me (and therefore Steve) out, with a replacement part (it's in the post). Top marks for customer service, and I can't thank him enough.

    What I also found out, is that there is a new UK Distributor for (amongst other things) Quat D exhausts ...I contacted these guys too, and "Al" was really helpful.

    I've obviously not bought anything from them, but their attitude was great, really helpful, so worth a look.

    Their details are:


    23 Glenhaven Avenue
    WD6 1AY
    United Kingdom

    UK TEL: +44 (0)208 953 2200
    International Callers: +442089532200

    Email : [email protected]
    Website : Ducati Parts and MV Agusta Performance Acccessories
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  16. How helpful, I seem to be missing the entire exhaust [emoji56] hehe
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    • Funny Funny x 1
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