
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bradders, Oct 16, 2013.

  1. So seems now absolute proof MP told the truth, the plod lied, and chief constables refusing to apologise and/or take action against those officers who appear to have lied. What a shocker.

    Am sure there are honest coppers out there, I just wonder if its the ones who have been in the service less than five years and not had the 'desire to do good' squeezed out of them
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  2. An interesting story this one. It is as if the senior plods were living in some kind of parallel universe where everything is turned upside down. They preach about the need for honesty to men telling the truth then lie themselves.
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  3. its truly pitiful that so much money has been wasted, so much headline grabbing media attention, posturing in courts and hearings, the serious po faces and the studious expressions of people getting out of chaffeur driven cars, carrying folders full of documents, all for what amounts to the piss weakest, playground tittle tattle....
    you'd be forgiven for thinking that this is an actual story, of actual news. everyone should grow up. the police, lying?? Surely not!! Politicians, lying?? Surely not!! Everyone seeking to gain political capital, the media trying to spin this 'story' into something meaningful??
    Utter these people hold their heads up in public office, and how we, the great unwashed take this non story, and their vacuous posturing seriously is totally beyond me. Ignore them and they may go away.
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  4. they did tell the truth..

    just their version of it ;)
  5. well its not that clear is it....or is it ???
    who really gives a shit but
    the tape recording is not of the officers involved in the plebgate scandal.

    rather a police federation representative who wasnt at the original incident but who attended a subsequent meeting about the original incident which the politician recorded.

    so to infer the original officers have lied is still difficult to prove and as I understand it the original account still stands.

    this latest facade is purely about the police representative being tape recorded and not the original officers is the way I have read it from the bbc news.....

    and the respective accounts of that meeting are being reported upon...and scrutinised.

    isnt it ironic that politicians are usually the lying c*nts...

    all caused through a fucking tree hugging cyclist not obeying the highway code - what were we saying about fucking cyclists the other week pmsl :D
    #5 Phill, Oct 17, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2013
  6. and has anyone heard the full unedited transcript of the "secret" recording by the open honest politician of this meeting (or sting as it probably was?) Or just a selected section in answer to a totally unconnected question?
  7. Of course the police officers told the truth - that's why their version of events is completely different to the CCTV footage of the incident...
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  8. He should have said " in ones personal opinion thou art plebs". He'd have been okay then.
  9. Pot, black, kettle etc etc ..................Politicians moaning about Plod telling porkies.....

    ....besides, didn't Plod always tell porkies?
  10. poxy polititions, if they can't take a joke,they shouldn't have joined :smile:

    Police,polititions.........their all the bloody same.
  11. twas lovely to watch the three senior plod representatives being given the grilling by the Commons select committee today, and see them squirming in the mire of their own making.

    Long live democracy
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  12. Seems the panel didnt believe them either given the news report. But still refusing to admit they made it up. Shocker
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  13. Worked with Stuart, that's why I am an ex rather than serving. The way I see it is they had the opportunity to discredit a Member of Parliament and they took it. Fools. Integrity, honesty jeez just be honest leave the Police and become an MP !
  14. trouble is the discrediting was at one of their they come up with a plan do a bit of secret recording let the fools say what occured leave it a while play back the tape muddy the waters even more complete the sting ................and the whole pissed up MP leaving downing street doesnt get his way swears at the cops in the im upper class and look down on you typical attitude............all is forgotten .....and blame someone else.

    Oh what was it he said..........we never did get that , but i didnt say that or that! Shame they wernt secretly recording him.....oh no that would be immoral and probably illegal...
    #14 andyb, Oct 24, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2013
  15. A good mate of mine has been in the Met for over 10 years, chatting to him at weekend e said that "he trusts 99% of the people he arrests more than he does 99% of the people he works with" quite a damning comment I feel.
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  16. Is it important ? Good question... Is it important that the police officers involved at the time lied? That they have been proved to have lied? That the senior officers that investigated lied? That they have also been proved to have lied? And that none of them seem the least bit bothered about the fact that they have been shown to have lied? Surely the single most important thing that we require from a police force is honesty? This sorry incident has illustrated just how ingrained the culture of lying and then trying to cover up the lies is within the police forces of the UK. If we cannot trust our police then what is the point of having them? If they cannot be trusted to tell the truth over such a simple issue, how on earth can they be trusted not to lie about important things? And, before anyone says "they're not all like that", here's a message to the honest ones - do something about it! Get rid of the lying b*stards or risk completely loosing any and all support from the general public...
  17. if you are going to take a secret recording of a meeting then you also clearly know its being recorded will answer accordingly and can also manipulate the others in the room that dont know its being was a sting full stop!

    Let alone either getting permission to record or disclosing that it is being recorded........

    Thats why evidentially its worth cock all............however disclose it in the papers muddy the waters they are the bad ones not me drunk swearing at the very people who are there to help........all forgotton now though...

    I do also think the fed guys were a bit thick not, a predicting this may happen, and b not secretly recording it themselves and therefore manipulating the conversation accordingly too!
    #17 andyb, Oct 24, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2013
  18. Here's a tip - if you know a conversation is being recorded or if you don't - just tell the truth !
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  19. Andy, those three officers came right out of the meeting with Mitchell and lied on camera to the press. Had Mitchell not recorded the conversation, he'd have been screwed for a second time. Perhaps the first experience of talking to an officer without a recording to back him up made him feel that he should have a record of the meeting.

    Neither the Met, nor the local bods come out of this well. You could easily jump to the conclusion that since two forces blatently lied, all forces lie. I'm sure that's not the case, but I can understand why people distrust police.
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  20. I'm just surprised nobody's "fallen down the stairs" yet.
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