
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Kirky, Oct 2, 2015.

  1. Got a scary call from my 18 yr old son this evening that he'd been involved in an accident. The car behind him had been hit from behind and been forced onto his bike (short wheelbase XR125) and he then hit the car in front. He came off and hurt his leg but nothing serious and after a check over was released without need to go to A&E.

    The Police did a fantastic job; arranged for the bike to be collected and drove my son back 20 miles from Oxford. Great for my son to be able to form a positive impression of the Police. He also laughed that they had a vehicle licence reader that gave a Homer Simpson "Doh!" upon recognising an uninsured car (6 on the way home). They praised my son for having all the right protective kit that probably saved him from more serious injury. Great service, thanks. DSC05708.JPG
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  2. Its always a worry . Good thing is that hes ok though. Will be wanting the bike back tomorrow so get ready . The roads are getting worse . Maybe if the cage didnt have life saving this and life saving that built into them on every corner people wou'd be more careful.
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  3. cool. many positives to be taken from that experience.
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  4. Your cows have got out..
  5. Glad to read that your son is ok
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  6. Glad he's OK, and good to hear a positive report on the Police for a change :upyeah:.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  7. If only Andyb were here to read this..
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  8. Good stuff, its great that the uk has a common sense police force on the whole.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Very glad to hear of no lasting injuries , although to be fair, I would expect your son to be looking a lot in his mirrors when in traffic now as a consequence . Sure to be some doubt in his mind at some point. But at least he's around and well to tell the tale
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  10. Glad he's OK. A useful reminder for all of us on why you should never ride too close to the car in front. You can always be shunted off by the vehicle behind but maintain a safe distance and at least you can't be crushed.
    And not a hi-vis jacket in sight. Nice to see police officers who look like police officers and not road sweepers. Plod aren't all bad when the politicians leave them alone. And a lot of them are bikers themselves.
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  11. Michel, He actually saw it happening in his mirrors so the boy dun good!
  12. Good to hear the police getting some praise. Makes a nice change. However are you sure the copper in the foreground isn't a Terminator?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. an off the cuff remark taken badly by another member and understandably so . shame, i was starting to warm to him. (started getting my head round his sense of humor.)
  14. Nice work from the boys in blue. Glad your son is ok. He'll certainly have learnt something from the experience.
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  15. Flou
  16. dont want to hijack a thread like this. :Sorry:
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  17. Fair enuff, apologies OP
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. i moved it to the off topic thread. :smile:
  19. He'd spin a negative somehow I'm sure ;)
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