politics..isnt it curious that...?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by funkyrimpler, May 23, 2013.

  1. in reviewing certain remarks made on various threads such as gay marriage etc im always bemused and frustrated by the simplistic terms that certain individuals seem to take on issues, convincing themselves that they have really considered the issue (which usually has no influence on their lives, money (important one that), status or employment...
    it got me thinking about statements such as progressive politics and conservative, socialism blah blah....

    I dont ally with ANY political party in this country, but isnt it funny that every single change of law, or attempt at equality, free health, education and the like always seems to come from those meddling lefties, whilst those on the right seem to want to maintain the status quo (hang on to what theyve got and make the acquisition of more, much easier)?

    I cant actually think of a single thing that the tories have done to help those less fortunate..im talking about real differences here, not PR smokescreens that look good day and line someones pocket tomorrow....dont get me wrong, i think labour are tossers, but once upon a time when they were formed to protect the workers (who were essentially slaves living in squalor with kids downs mines, or dying in the streets or workhouses) they actually did something to organise them selves and fight for better living standards and the right to vote..opposed every inch of the way by the right....as is the case with the gay debate today..

    it has never changed with these types of people...im simply cannot understand why...also phrases such as champagne socialist..what utter bollox that one is...why shouldnt a person born into an affluent family not be allowed to have principles, morals or be moved at the plight in which some people have to live, despite there efforts for betterment..

    The likes of Rowntree, Dickens and other social commentors/activists who tried to raise the chattering classes conciousness werent labelled thus....and still every effort to provide adequate housing and care was thwarted and opposed and each and every turn...

    theres people are obsessed with money over everything, and thats why the east of london was left to rot until the olympics and the oppotunity to make money (with the usual shit about providing jobs and oppotunities for everyone)..same old same old..

    can anyone think of any social reforms that the right have ever implemented that have stuck out in history as watershed moments for our lives, not including policies that were originally forwarded by labour (when they were socialists)?
    cue row....
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  2. thought not..

    i couldnt think of one either.
  3. Maybe
    A) some people have better to do with their lives than learn about everything to the point of professing to be an expert
    B) they don't have the time nor inclination nor feel the need to enter keyboard wars
    C) its a bike forum

    me, I love a debate when its kept civil, other opinions are respected although challenged robustly, and prefer it over a pint than online with some faceless fuckwit looking it up on the Internet, thinking for an hour then replying. Much better face to face in real time :upyeah:
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  4. Errrrrr ..... Boris Bikes ? (yes, that is the best I can come up with LOL!)
  5. I think you have just proved the point funky :wink:
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  6. I don't understand politics or politicians , seems to me all sides are the same. They tell you what's good for you whilst making good for themselves , exactly like Red Nose Day , the rich begging the poor to feed the poor.
  7. 1867 Reform Act
    Repeal of the Corn Laws, 1846

    Apart from that....
  8. i thought as much...
  9. I get the feeling there are too many google search experts on here..

    the cut and paste brigade
    big words and little substance
    #9 Phill, May 24, 2013
    Last edited: May 24, 2013
    • Like Like x 2
  10. You seem to be a Whig, funky.
  11. Unlike most of us who need to wear one...........
  12. Funky if you started your own party I would join it
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