Portimao 3-5th May

Discussion in 'Trackdays & Rider Skills' started by Jolley, May 6, 2024.

  1. Back on a Ducati after 4 years (went over to BMW because of a too good to miss deal), and I haven’t been on any bike since Oct ‘22, however this V4S made everything super easy. After 2 sessions I was already quicker than on the BMW and I broke 2mins for the first time….

    A few of you may recognize @DRR117 on the noisy yellow thing!

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  2. Some epic lappage in that clip Mr Jolley, especially the very late pass final lap T15.
    I am taking the V4 there May 27th.
    So far we have done remarkably improved lap times at Valencia (1:49) & Aragon (2:09) compared to the MV F3, so hoping to also breach 2:00 at Portimao.

    That concrete dust at T4 had my buddy on his arse day one of your trip. He recovered and cracked some 2:02s on his V4.

  3. Somehow that dust was there from before the first session of day one and lasted all 3 days. It nearly had me down on the sighting laps so I just avoided it all weekend from then on.

    There seemed more than the usual amount of fallers on this trip.
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