Posting photos of your pride and joy......WARNING ;-)

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by AndyW, Aug 12, 2013.

  1. I host a photo gallery for the MTS1200...
    AndyW-inuk's Photos : Motorcycles : Ducati Multistrada 1200

    ....and have noticed recently that more and more photos submitted have GPS location data encoded in the EXIF data.
    That's great when you intend for the location where the photo was taken to be shared/public but there's a potential danger...

    Any photos taken of your pride and joy at home and published publicly could be very much appreciated by some thieving scrote on the look out for particular bikes to thieve!
    Of course if you host your photos online it doesn't have to be a photo of your bike (or car or whatever valuable item) that could be the invite for an unwanted visit ;-)

    Most mobiles have onboard GPS now and there's more and more cameras with the feature built in also.......great when posting holiday photos and the likes.

    Keep the GPS funtion switched off by default and only activate when required ;-)
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  2. yup - same for your kids, dogs, etc

    FB has a nice 'map' service - like you say great as a personal diary but also great for the ungood and wannabe stalker :frown:
  3. Go ahead punk...make my day...I've got a mate that digs the ocean/river floor, so I know where to get rid of a bike thiefs body :)
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  4. We need to get the government to build a couple of new motorways with some decent bridges then bike thieves can go in the shuttering before the final pour.
  5. Glad my camera is "old tech"...
  6. Regardless of the camera type, it doesn't take five minutes for unscrupulous types to work out your location from your IP address.

    Don't ask.............I'm not unscrupulous.

  7. But my IP address is actually mobile... It's the same if I'm at home or at work - and there's an 8000 mile difference !
  8. There you go again, gloating about the size of your garden :tongue:
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  9. [geek mode]The IP address on your laptop / iPhone is not the same as the router IP address which is the one that shows as where pictures / tweet setc are posted from.
    My IP address is with a default gateway of in common with almost every other poster on here at a wild guess as my router runs DHCP and sets up a private network. The router IP address is issued by my ISP and is in the format of[/geek mode]
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  10. that means you're in sunny Hampshire :smile:

  11. Any website visited has the capability of establishing each visitor's IP address which relates to the broadband connection rather than the PC..........having done that, the link below can be used to get a rough location.

    However, there are more sophisticated systems that can not only pinpoint the user, but also access a website specifically to obtain a user's IP.............simple hacking really.

    Track any ip address find out where it comes from.
    #11 Ghost Rider, Aug 14, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 14, 2013
  12. I knew someone who knew more than me would comment... Now - I do not connect via a land-line, only a mobile broadband "dongle" - how accurately can my position be located ?
  13. IP landlines are only traceable as far as the telephone exchange from where it is connected.

    BB dongles are a mobile factor, and can be traced as far as the transmitting tower. Which is more accurate location than an IP landline BB.

    All these silly maps that come up telling the location of peoples IP addresses when you google them, are just that. silly.
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  14. Interesting... And thanks for that iNDITIME. Next silly question - how do you find someone's IP address to try to track its location ?
  15. Whereas you..

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  16. To start off with if someone runs a website............Whois Lookup & Domain Availability Search | DomainTools

    Just type in the whole website address; ie 'www.ducatif****.co.**'

    But hackers can also hack into a website and identify individuals.

  17. Yes, that is standard ip lookup. But if you google it it may tell you im in Huntingdon. But that is incorrect. BT? Really. So what does it say if your on BT wholesale fibre with TalkTalk?
    But the best thing about that widget, it only shows YOUR IP, not mine lol. Nice trick, it fools some people, but not me. :tongue:
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  18. Well Arquebus is sort of right. If a website gets hacked, they will just get my bogus information.

    ps my name isnt really inditime.

    And they cant locate you from an IP address just by searching online. Only your ISP/CSP knows your real identity and location.
  19. OK.......go ahead and do it..........It will show you exactly who runs this website etc etc.....

    Do you run a website? I do......The Whois check will tell you exactly where I live as well.
  20. And your IP address and email address.............everything done on the internet and on a PC leaves a I said earlier, unscrupulous people know how to do it as much as the authorities do.
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