Anybody have any experience of the end result of fitting a power commander to the 996.? Does it improve things ? My Aprilia RSV R certainly did improve, it took away any lumpiness and ran much smother . Is it the same for the Duc. ? I have read Media reports that say it does improve what is the real mans thoughts ? I fully understand about Custom maps. I just need to know if it improves the stock bike to start with. Regards Ken.
It doesn't do anything unless you get it mapped. Mine made another 7 hp once custom mapped and smoothed out the 4000 rpm hole.
Thanks for the reply, I intend to install Map 705-501 which is the stock settings provided by power commander for bikes based outside the USA. They assure me this will make significant differences to the bike. They confirm this map will alter the bike for the better. However a custom map is most certainly the only way to get the best out of the unit. regards ken.
I had a look at a power commander and currently have decided not to bother. For the money they cost, it appeared that they didnt really offer much more than the correct ducati performance chip does if you have after market exhausts like mine does. Id certainly be interested in hearing how you go though and if it offers much more gains, then i`d reconsider.
Thanks for the reply. Not sure that is 100% true about the performance chip, the power commander does smooth out the bike and take away the lumpiness even on Maps supplied with the device, as long as you pick the right one to install. I am going to try it on Map 705-501, but I also intend at a later date to have a custom map to take full advantage. This does make sense. For info I had for good few years a Gen 1 Aprilia RSV R. I fitted the power commander on Maps supplied and boy did it change the bike. Total transformation for the better. Much smoother on the throttle and fuel consumption went up considerably. So as you say time will tell But I think it could well be worth it. Regards Ken.
A lot of 996 owners use a FIM chip that would only use the one injector, instead of 2 per cyclinder. It controls/extends the opening duration of the injector, to compensate for the other one that is disconnected. This improves the fuelling by having a continual flow, rather than the two that run sequentially, creating a hole/flat spot. The 996sps uses a P8 ecu, where the injectors/ecu are synchronous.
I have a pcIII on my 916 and its been set up on dyne. It runs full 54mm term system and has been given a 'full monty' at Snells. The pcIII works well on my bike.
i run a JHP 916 SPS chip in mine (P8 ecu), with full 54mm Ferrarci system and have never had problems with flat spots or rough running, although i did have one of the high speed injectors fail on me about 5 years ago (which took about 4 years to diagnose)..on the dyno she put 114hp which is pretty good for a 916...not that i give a monkeys..if she punted out 12hp and was still as exciting to ride she'd still be a keeper..*going teary eyed*
Boots, how much of an improvement did the full monty/dogs danglies/mutts nuts/belt and braces, service make on your 916? i read on their site that its over a grand..was it worth it and did they find any horrible gremlins, or save you from any potential disasters (alternator nut etc)??
Worth every penny. Bike felt lithe and sprightly. Just felt tighter all round. Its like it just cleans up around all the little edges and the engine feels as smooth as my 1198. Whilst mine was being done, that journal thing that can come loose from the crank was identified. Thus my engine, as long as i continue to have her properly serviced, is now bullet proof. This gives me the confidence to thrash her when I can and to take her to the alps. Where my only worries now are Osteopathic.
hmmmm...i dont want mine to be as smooth as my 1098..sort of defeats the purpose of a desmoquattro..but i do like the idea of having her as fresh as a jailbaits...
The 'smoothness' does not detract anything from the engines character. No Ducati V-Twin is truly 'smooth'. Maybe I should have used a better adjective. Think of it as just having a really really good dyno set up that makes you smile immediately. Kind of like giving Daisy a gram of whizz that lasts longer than 48hrs. Yeah, thats better. Its like giving your 916 an E.
I had the snatchy injector thing. Took it to jhp and they changed a couple of sensors etc and set it up, when collected it, it sounded like a different bike and rode amazingly. Just get it set up properly. Youll be amazed
i have just installed a PC3 on my 996 s and it has helped with the 4000rpm issue. pre PC3 was 122bhp after 127bhp (50mm system, no filters)the most improvement i got from renewing the fuel filter and spark plugs prior to the Dyno run. but this was with custom mapping for each cylinder. i wanted to get a Eprom from it but i couldnt find one in time so went ahead anyway.
Some interesting replies there, I will be fitting my commander this week and the weather looks good for Sunny Suffolk so I will manage a run out this week. All will be revealed. Ride safe Guy and Gals Ken.
By the time you've bought the PC and had it mapped on the dyno (not worth fitting if you don't) you could have taken the bike to CJS racing and had the ECU properly mapped. CJS RACING Ducati Cylinder Heads Tuning Gas Flow Dyno ECU Custom Mapping Bristol Bath
Bristol I would have to drive 300 miles then need Dinner, B and B, Lunch and Dinner and drive home 300 mile. Then pay to have the work done. Its a NO goer my friend. I will install the commander and when spring comes Seastar Ducati in Norfolk will tune and map my bike. That's a 30 mile ride and they make a great cup of tea.
Pedants Corner: im 99% certain that the biposto only used the P8 'big brain' ECU until 1996, ie the very first Cagiva era bikes (with the elephant logo on the fuel cap)..The strada, S and SPS all used the P8. The post 1996 Bips used the 1.6M ECU... My 916 is from 95 and uses the P8, i had a later 1997 biposto and that used the 1.6...