Poxy weather!!!!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by nuttynick, May 17, 2013.

  1. I took the ST2 out for a spin today and as it looked like it might rain I wore my Rukka kit. When I was putting it on I noticed the winter liners were still in, and to be honest I couldn't be arsed to take them out. I'm so glad I didn't it was feckin cold! I even switched my bloody heated grips on! It'll be June in a couple of weeks, what is going on!
  2. Didn't you know? Global Warming, mate...........................or Climate Change as it is now called.

    Scientists are like football referees.........they win regardless of which side does.

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  3. What an odd thing to say...
  4. Not really, it's called 'sitting on the fence' in effect........bit like vicars.

  5. The sun was shining here in the North East so I decided to have a run out. Got about 3 miles from home and it looked increasingly cloudy. Ended up doing 80 odd miles but only 10c, not very warm at all for mid May.
  6. Cold here as well.Central heating came on this morning-never had that before at this time of year.
  7. …meaning a football referee is “sitting on the fence” in regards to who won the game? Surely it would be evidence based – who scored the most goals and such. Or perhaps you infer that the referee is on the fence in regards to who he personally wants to win the game so he "wins" regardless?

    How does this apply to the science of climate change? The evidence is there that the climate is changing and (most) scientists are not exactly on the fence about it. Also, what has this got to do with Vicars?

    ... like I said, an odd thing to say! :)
    #7 MintyHit, May 17, 2013
    Last edited: May 17, 2013
  8. No it's not an odd thing to say.......

    .....A referee regardless of the sport, doesn't actually have to compete and they come out of a game having neither one nor lost......or in other words, they sit on the fence, because it doesn't matter to them who actually wins.....and they still get a medal.

    Scientists do the same thing........they come up with one thing, then call it something else when it suits them.........it doesn't matter if they are proven wrong at some stage, they simply say it was only an opinion......basically sitting on the fence......they can publish a paper and win awards galore. Ten years later, it will probably be disproved or they will change their mind.

    Vicars and priests......A job for the people that can't hack it in 'proper' employment, so they drop out and become a vicar, where they attempt to manipulate peoples' beliefs to make themselves appear more powerful than the rest of the society.

    All of the above don't actually compete in anything other than trying to look good in the eyes of ordinary people.

    With regards to climate change not happening.........if you recall only a short while ago it was Global Warming.........Frankly anyone with a modicum of sense can see that climate change has happened for millions of years....it doesn't need a 'specialist' to tell us that and then maybe after a short while say: "Well, it was only a guess, based on computer modelling".

    If El Nino and La Nina shift for whatever reason, the climate will change.........

  9. Aaah yes, but millions of years ago the politicians didn't have to look for another spurious reason to shaft the taxpayer. Hence they have jumped on the bandwagon to top up their expenses fund (the treasury by any other name).

    Never mind, in a few years they will introduce a tax on disposing of batteries and solar panels for some other contrived reason!!
  10. 19 degrees forecast for York on Sunday :)
  11. Remember the old joke? The one about Jews and large noses?

    Wait a while and we will be taxed on the air we breathe.


    Apologies to followers of Yaweh.
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