Last year I took on LloydsTSB for a reclaim of missold PPI. I got a letter back rejecting my claim saying there was no evidence of mis-selling. I got my head down and wrote again pointing out all the reasons they had mis-sold such as Perm Health Care and Death in Service Benefits that I had with my employer. All in all it took me maybe three hours of my time to put letters together ect (they were works of art) and today I have had a letter advising my complaint has been upheld and they would like to offer me £22717.00 to be paid to me within 28 days of their letter! Happy Days - So if you are thinking of giving it a go, DO IT! I have just earned 7000.00 per hour of the time I invested, all without the use of reclaim companies or template letters. So if anyone thinks this is a waste of time, think again. Some of my loans date back 20 years so all the talk of 7 year limit is rubbish.
I'm happy for you, getting the refund and all. But it was your money to begin with, which you paid over. So what I am wondering is, why were you so willing to hand over £20 grand for cover you didn't need in the first place? Did you not notice what you were doing?
You make a fair point. At the time (17 years old) I was more interested in 'are you gonna give me the money' and it was implied that if I did not take PPI the loan would not be given. Latter years I suppose I did not really think about it. It was only when I took a loan about 7 years ago that the manager who was a personal friend said 'PPI is not worth the paper it is written on' Then the whole claim thing kicked off and it seemed like a lot of trouble to start something that I might not win. Then I saw people winning their claims and thought 'nothing ventured nothing gained' and gave it a shot. In total it has taken about a year to get to this point but worth it. Now past 40 I am wiser than I used to be and have more time to think things though before diving in feet first.
You ain't far off the mark with the paying for 20 years. Loans to finance loans, to finance debt! Thankfully the ex wife fooked off to America with her internet boyfriend and cleaned me out as she went! BUT the good thing was I worked hard to get out of it and no one ever knocked at my door for cash. Hopefully a tornado has ripper through South Carolina and without injuring anyone, taken her with it.
Wifes are like tornado's ..... Wild and wet when they arrive, but, take your house, TV, furniture, car, bike etc etc when they go :frown:
I got 10k from egg. As you did the letters myself, dead easy and fobbed off all those rip off claim companies. They do naff all for you but act as middle men, forwarding on your correspondence and taking a nice cut!
fekkin hell thats amazing!! my bro just scooped £11k and his wife £7k..they too were initially rejected..what supporting evidence did you have to provide? i havent had a loan for 15 years but ive had a few different mortgages. i remember one with HBOS had PPI but that was back in 94..would i stand a chance?
1st Letter: Result was claim rejected 2nd Letter: Again claim was rejected AND they wrote to the wrong address to advise! 3rd and Final Letter: These three letters resulted in me winning the case. At no point did I supply any other evidence but they can see from their records who was paying me and that the protection I had in place was pretty much industry standard. If anyone is thinking of making a claim, please feel free to butcher my letters and use the contents to suit your circumstances. Don't bother with the claims companies that take 25% when you can do it yourself. You just need time and patience.
You've done well there. I think the norm is that to go back before 2000 you needed to have the original paperwork, or the bank had to have a copy on file. A lot don't as they only have to keep it for so many years. i was going to chase up a loan going back to '97, but I don't have the paperwork. Reading your post I think I will.
Ring your bank or write to them and ask them for previous loan agreement numbers, they should be able to provide you with those and then a contact address for the team of people dealing with PPI for your bank. Like I said before, nothing ventured nothing gained.
im loving this... over the years ive had various mortgages and a couple of loans..the last loan i had was back in the late 90's, my first mortgage was the early 90's. Question: Do i have to write to each individual lender? (ie i had an initial mortgage with Halifax and then C&G etc etc)...Also as C&G are part of the Lloyds banking group (with whom i had my personal loan), would a single letter to Lloyds suffice, or would i have to write to C&G directly? Re: the time limit...This was yet more lies and bullshit perpetuated by the banks so that they could keep more of the money that they knowingly stole but they were caught out...Again. One of my brothers loans went back to 1987! any help or advice would be really helpful. Thanks chaps.
Start by writing to each individual lender. If they have been taken over, the company that they become will have bought the book of business so should know your details. From memory, somewhere close to 700PM was the last and largest. I do remember my first ever loan in 1989 was 79.44pm for a TRZ250.
I was convinced that I had never been sold PPI until my mate got £6000 back in February. So I decided to contact Gladstone Brookes just in-case......Well, I have just received confirmation from my bank and one of my credit cards that I have in fact been paying 3 policies. The cheeky baskets have been robbing me blind and I'v been self employed for 25 years ! It's looking like I'm going to be "Billy Big Bucks" very soon.ompus: