1200 Pr4 2up

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by guzzi eleven, Jul 2, 2014.

  1. Any mts 1200 users with pr4 std ,2 up pressures differ from 2.2,2.4
  2. 2.2 and 2.4 bar is 32 and 35 psi, which sounds a bit low. However just checked the Michelin website and that is what they recommend.

    Is this what people are using or are they going by the manual 2.5 bar or 37 psi ?
  3. Thats about where I always run my tyres: 32/35
  4. Picked mine up from Smc they got 36 -42 in
  5. I run 32 front and 36 rear solo and 32 / 38 loaded
  6. Think I'll try to check up and find the best pressure for 2 up and luggage
  7. All I can say is that on previous bikes I have run around 32 f 36 r but I do find the multi prefers higher pressures,say at least 38 f and 40 r. And that is generally not 2 up,I would adjust the suspension for that.
  8. MPR3 front & 4 rear at 42psi. As michel c re 2 up and suspension. Seems fine to me.
  9. I run 38/42 always when two up, regardless of tyre brand / model.

    Having just done 10 days on a rear PR4 (fitted new for the trip) I have to say that I have never had so many slips on a rear tyre in the dry before (one exception Avon angel STs - they were bloody scary when pushed hard).
    I thought it was just me pushing on a bit hard, but having spoken to some others over the weekend who have tried PR4s, some of them are reporting the same.

    It is entirely possible that this is pressure related, and we are running over inflated. I wouldnt want to run lower pressures when fully loaded though.
    I guess time will tell if others experience the same, but personally I would rather have a PR3 or even a scorp trail than a PR4.
  10. Interesting. My (new to me) PR4 rear feels no different to the PR3's I had on before; now done 600 miles on it.
    Will check my pressures tomorrow when out again. I'm pressuming the rear is around 42psi; same as my PR3 before. Solo and 2 up feels the same as my ealier PR3.
  11. To be honest mine felt the same too, but we would have slips - enough for the wife to notice and tense up - in all sorts of bends, fast and slow.

    It affected my riding some days because I became more conscious of checking the road surface, and consequently not looking up the road enough.

    Never had any front wheel slips.
  12. Will put Doris on the back tomorrow then and see if I can get the tyre to move sideways!
  13. just done 540 miles in wales 2 up and the pr4s are fantastic not sure what the tyre pressures are mind will need to check but absolutely love them and have tried them out proper hooked up a nice 2nd gear wheelie which the ball and chain didn't like much , all twists where poss , i wouldn't use scorpion trails ever again loose the profile to quick and was shocking round the ring with multiple slides and crap in the wet at the cat and fiddle
  14. just stuck digital gauge on and coming up with 33 rear 29 front which seems a little low will need to check with another gauge
  15. My guess would be too high. Profile seems tall so wonder if over inflation makes it stand up rather than squat? I had a couple of bits of movement on Sat, checked mine and they were only 32 rear, so Sun back to 37 ish (cheap gauge) and totally stable then
  16. yep as per advice ,given 2 up at w/e 32 f , 38 rear , grip and also wheelies in 2nd.

    thanks , lets hope more mile and trip to loire will be exciting!
  17. Michelin recommend 2.2 / 2.4 bar thats 32 / 35 PSI for both PR3/4 on the Multistrada 1200. Surely this is the figure to use. I use these when riding solo, when Missus on the back go for 32 / 38 PSI. So far with these pressures coming up to 6000 miles on PR3s. Squaring off now bike tracking poor road surfaces and dropping into turns. Handling not as it was. However I estimate I've got another 1000 miles of wear left in the back then will replace both with PR4s. Never done so many miles on a bike tyre before. Bloody brilliant !
  18. Just fitted a pair of PR4s today, I'll be trying them out later. I shall start with 36/36 cold solo and see how they feel.
  19. I have been experimenting with 32/35 and am not convinced. The front feels more planted but you can feel the tyre flexing, which is unsettling.
  20. Owners Manual states:

    Tubeless tyres

    Front tyre pressure:

    2.50 bar (rider only) - 2.9 bar (with passenger and/or bags).

    Rear tyre pressure:

    2.50 bar (rider only) - 2.9 bar (with passenger and/or bags).

    Not sure I would like to ride with 42PSI in the front tyre. Interestingly Pirelli recommend 2.7 bar / 39 psi front and back for Pirelli Angel GT tyres.

    So somewhere between 32 - 42 psi thats crazy.
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