Help needed !!!! Out last weekend and managed to snap a cambelt on my Monster 1200s (14 plate). Before anyone asks I've had it 14months 12k on the clock, full service (dealer) and belts changed by the dealer I bought it off (allegedly). So what do I do know now? Have stripped it back as far as I can more out of curiosity than anything else. Apart from finding a "spare" woodruff key inside the cam belt cover I cannot really see what's failed apart from the belt obviously (looks like candy floss). The pulleys on the head seem solid (cannot be turned by hand) so expecting bent valves at a minimum. So, do I whip the head off (no idea how) or push it down to Marsden cliffs and send it back to it's maker. Does anyone know anyone sh*t hot in the North East to take this basket case off my inexperienced/incompetent hands to fix it properly
You could get it taken to Nelly at Cornerspeed in Nottingham or John Cellier of Cellier BVT (Bologna V Twins) in Leeds. If you bought it 14 months ago I doubt you’d have any comeback on the supplying dealer but it’s still worth speaking with them. Belts don’t just fray or snap these days they have to rub against something to fray so I’d guess one of the rollers seized but if you don’t have the tools and/or confidence doing it yourself your best taking it to a specialist.
I would buy a manual, watch some YouTube videos and whip the heads off. Reasonably priced tools on ebay, I got some from GB motorcycle products. I presume you will need to drop engine to get at vertical cylinder head. Only worked on 900ss. That's just my opinion. What's the worst you can do - break it. Cheers Gaz
Arma68, Set up a thread (with pictures and more pictures) and ask question to your hearts content - there will be loads of people willing to help I am sure. Also search on this forum as well for stuff other people have done. In the end when you get the heads off you will probably have to pay to get them sorted anyway. I think valves / guides / seat are beyond most people, but you can strip it and will have smaller parts to handle either to post or take in the car. You have a few months over winter (says me who took 10 years to renovate mine). Take it steady, take lots of pictures, bag things up and label as you go. If you really think its beyond you then fair enough but its a great sense of achievement. Cheers Gaz
I managed to find a PDF of the 1200 S workshop manual online. It was a free download. I can’t remember the site unfortunately, but it’s worth a search. If you can’t find it, I could send you a copy. It’s probably too large to email but I would happily post it to you on a memory stick.
Right boys and girls strap yourself in. Your words of wisdom have convinced me that chucking her off the local cliffs would be far too easy and spending all winter in a cold garage will be more fun. so I shall scour the internet today looking for a free workshop manual then probably come back to you Wally and beg for that memory stick (thanks for the offer by the way) I'm off to take some photos to start with but don't show much apart from Its all the truth, unfortunately.......Oh and try to work out how to "whip" the airbox off
This guy has a really good rep for rebuilds:
If he sends you a dm you could pop it on to a wetransfer link - that how we transfer big files around.
Fairly knackered Cambelt if I say so myself "spare" woodruff key lying in horizontal camcover Airbox to remove (still) then head off I think Couple of question. I assume the head can come off with Engine in situ ? What tool do I use to get to the nuts holding the head on. I can probably get them off with a spanner but what about putting them back on (torque etc)
Thanks again Gaz. Tool ordered and video watched. I was hoping the head off was as far as I was going to go. Don't fancy having to strip off barrel and piston etc,etc
Arma68 Hopefully but probably depends if how much of a hammering the pistons have taken. When re-torqueing nuts the tool should be at 90 degrees to torque wrench. Cheers Gaz
Hope this helps. Cheers Gaz
Thanks for all the advice so far .....after watching some you tube videos, I'm somewhat doubting my capabilities.; Still going to push on with the head removal but may be on the phone to Ducati John early next week