Why don't we just have done with it and move to a world government ? Think of the economies of scale. One set of rules for all. No need to worry about the balance of payments. No more competing for resources between countries. No more wars.
What? Tonight? Maybe in the future. One step at a time. We still need to get Scotland to rejoin the UK after they've left!
Breaking up would be better. Buy local, live local, support local. Close the borders and shore up the seas.
Nice thought, but the world is too diverse. Why would someone in Tibet give a toss if my bin collection swithces to bi-weekly. How would a Palestinian react to an Israeli world leader? Do away with the lot of them I say That would make it much more interesting.
Or turnips. International bartering tool parnships. And they many look like a cock, so you can even had different denominations
At last, someone with vision. It seems that the only way we have any chance of surviving the inevitable problems that will be occurring in the future is to leave behind the current antiquated system. But our consciousness's need to develop to enable us to have this as a vision, and I fear that will take quite a bit more time. Probably more time than is available before some misguided soul unleashes something from which there will be no return.
Yeah but administered on one single IT platform run by govt bureacracy and incorporating your tax disk, fingerprint, goldfish gender, shoe size and everything else which can be thrown in to the mix....