Quick Fix | DP Tail Tidy

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Vindaloo, Sep 15, 2012.

  1. As some of you have rightly pointed out (Benson Run etc) the built in LED's on the DP tail tidy are crap at best and f'ing dangerous at worst. The problem is the bulb angle so if you have a requirement to signal to air craft you will not be disappointed, but for road traffic it produces darkness with a faint suggestion of amber. "Classic case of Form over Function" to quote Andy.

    Ducati were not very bothered about my complaint so I went ahead and pre-ordered the Custom LED tail light which has just gone into development - ready in a couple of months :smile:
    Custom LED 2010-2012 Ducati Multistrada Integrated LED Tail Light, Taillight

    To preserve my life until this is launched I have resorted to a temp fix which IMO works pretty well.

    I used those self adhesive LED strips which are easialy available for under a tenner which piggyback onto the existing wiring - simple job and takes about 1hr but like performing micro-surgery if youre of the fat fingered variety.

    Anyway the pics don't do it justice but they are a vast improvement and I would recommend anyone with a DP tail tidy to seriously consider doing the same as for the outlay could save you a whole heap of grief.








  2. Oooo I do like those QD exhausts. Sorry............
  3. +1 on those QD bad boys. I have the same on my PP. Get those DPs out ASAP :) listen to the joy. Sorry, off topic I know.
  4. Update; so after waiting since sept for the new rear custome led cluster to turn up it finally arrived and got fitted this weekend.
    Have fitted it to DP tail tidy and spliced in the existing indicators but what a difference it makes - proper indicators at last!
    Some pics:
    MTS1200 2 004.jpg MTS1200 2 001.jpg MTS1200 2 002.jpg

    MTS1200 2 004.jpg

    MTS1200 2 001.jpg

    MTS1200 2 002.jpg
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