Quick lift side stand

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by Guvs, Mar 1, 2014.

  1. See on YouTube some weird and wonderful ways of oiling your chain on a bike with only a side stand, this item of kit makes it so easy, I managed to post it on YouTube myself (first timer posting on YouTube) under "Quick lift side stand" click link to run video.

    Motorcycle quick lift bike side stand 001 - YouTube


    #1 Guvs, Mar 1, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2014
  2. It's pretty clever.
    Not sure I'd want to put any more pressure on a 999 stand than I have to though...
  3. Indeed, and if I did try it I think I'd stand on the other side when doing the lifting - he's never going to hold it from there if it goes over...
  4. Why do people try and invent something that is less safe that a well proven paddock stand I ask??
    Does getting it out involve moving the entire garage contents? well if it bloody does then put it somewhere you can get it easily then!!
    Why you want to try and put undue stress and strain on a component that is not designed for beat s me all you are asking for is trouble, especially when the bloody thing breaks and your pride and joy fall on the floor with all your neighbours looking..... then you realise that the piece of angle iron your mate made has just cost you a thousand pounds in damage.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. If I didn't have a paddock stand I'd rather wheel the bike up and down the drive to oil the chain than rely on that.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. No likey :(
  7. Going to end in tears
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