There is a lot of bad press the plates ruining the basket back a lot go on about using an old friction plate first then a steel and so forth but this can also cause problems it states Ducati adopted the clutch set up on the paso but reverted back to the old method after a lot of clutch distroyed I believe you old rider but I'm very warey
M Many people on here are using the quiet clutch mod, notably @Derek who has been using it for many years and reckons to get tens of thousands of miles out of a clutch with no problems whatsoever.
I've done this mod over a year ago and haven't had any problems yet. Rocked up around 7thou miles so far and so far so good. It also took away a slight 'barking!! ..??' sound it made when pulling away quickly. It's really easy to do. YouTube is your friend!! So why don't you give it a go? If you don't like it then simply revert back to standard.
Yep. Exactly that. Just don't use steel plates if you have an alloy basket and alloy plates if you have a steel basket. Use a magnet to find out what you have if not sure. Probably the best mod I've ever done. Made my clutch slightly lighter too.
@mattyboy 38 When I refitted my clutch plates I replaced them in the exact same way they came out. Not sure if this makes any differents though. @Old rider the man for this I beleive ! He can even make Suzuki parts fit our bikes !!!! Lol
I think I upset old rider with no intention by questioning the mod hope he's not taken it the wrong way was just warey
Putting a friction plate in first places a small load on a bearing that wasn't designed to take that load. However, I've never heard of a case where the quiet clutch mod has caused the bearing to suffer any problem at all. As I understand it, the reason Ducati stopped putting a friction plate in first was because there were a few instances of the tabs eventually cutting a slot or step in the curve at the bottom of the basket slots. This led to jerky clutch take up, which is of course, dangerous. If you wish to eliminate this possibility, simply radius the tabs of the first plate with a file, to roughly match the curve of the bottom of the slot.