Hi all Would anybody happen to have the clear r & g eazigrip or just the eazi grip tank pads fitted and could post a photo? They don't have one of the clear on a panigale and I was hoping to see how they looked before ordering. Had stomp grips which I liked on 675 and techspecs which I liked less so I'm after something a bit different for the 899. I like the look of the 2 piece fit the r&g have on each side. Cheers
Don't bother - I bought these and lets say I was more than disappointed they don't seem to fit well at all and where they do fit there is no need for them Unless mine was a Duff kit - IE Some one at R&G Put a kit for a Honda in the Ducati bag they just do not fit and are in a word Shite I also had and still have the stomp grip on my ZX6R - best kit yet Lets hope stomp grip make these for the panigale Sorry I cannot be more helpful, Save your Money or maybe send nicky Wilson a message asking what he uses - he must have something on his race bike
Can't comment on the R&G grip as I havn't used it but I highly rate and use a lot of their other protection gear. I use stompgrip on my 1199s and the improvement to the riding is massive as the bike is quite physical to ride hard and really benefits from the grip. California Superbike School at Silverstone are the distributors so you can go direct to them.
I don't like the blatant advertising you get lumbered with when you buy R&G stuff as everything has R&G plastered in big letters all over it. Your bike ends up looking like a two wheeled tribute to them.
I'm a lover of stompgrips and to a much lesser degree techspecs. I'm just reluctant to cover up the lovely tank with the giant stompgrips. I'm going to need something as in process of booking trackdays for spring and summer. Would you have some decent photos of them on your 1199s?
These are the only photos I have. It's clear stompgrip and doesn't take much away from the aesthetics. Honestly , the difference is night and day, especially the slower stuff around town. I was balling myself with any accidental wheelie due to sliding around on the seat and after fitting the grip you can just ride the wheelie in a normal way.
Stompgrips arrived this morning just need to find the wifes hairdryer and I can make an attempt at fitting them.