I know this is leaving things to the last minute but I am taking part in the Norwich Race For Life tomorrow, if any of you could please sponser me and the rest of the girls in Jims Joggers we would really appreciate it. many thanks :smile:Abigail Turner is fundraising for Cancer Research UK Although Abi was leading this group for the girls at work she has come down with a virus and so has passed the batton to me to try and reach our target of £500 for this worth while cause.
Hi Mel, I'm looking to get the bike back this week, probably Wednesday as the lump on my back that was the disc prolapse has gone, and other than being a bit stiff (fnar fnar) I'm feeling pretty good! Carl has been great, probably helped that I've rung him to explain what's going on, can't wait to get back on board and see what a difference he has made to it!
I'm glad to hear that !!! He is a great chap. How did they sort prolapse .. ? I have two now prolapsed on my neck. It gets painful ... I feel for you there. Hope to bump into you two some time
The doc gave me Diazepam and diclofenic and explained that the prolapse, which was just a bulge, would shrink by itself, which it has done! I had a lump which was quite obvious on my spine and that has gone so although I don't fully understand quite how it's disappeared it has and I'm happy! Back to work next week for a couple of days, and then off to Portugal for a wedding. Just wish I was taking the bike down, but queasyjet were so cheap!