Race/Reverse gear shift on a 1098/1198 is that standard

Discussion in '848 / 1098 / 1198' started by jangol, Oct 14, 2012.

  1. Ummmm..

    My new bike has reverse gear shift...

    a few question.

    Is it standard on 1098/1198.....

    How can I change it back to normal shift?
  2. Nope.....

    Put the standard gear lever and linkage back on to go back to road shift, instead of the rear facing lever directly on the gearbox.
  3. Hi Anth,

    Picked up bike like it... Looks like it has standard rearset's levers etc... any pics or help of what needs changing etc.. Would e a great help...
  4. So your lever is not directly onto the gearbox spines and you still have a linkage rod from the forward facing lever to the gearbox?

    Here is a recent picture of my new linkage with a quickshifter fitted.....if you can work it out from there.


    I'm not at home this week to get more pictures, but I'll search see if I have anymore with me.
    #4 XxAnthxX, Oct 14, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2012
  5. Umm..

    not 100% sure, will have a look @ the bike 2moz & get back to you.. If its missing.. What will I need to buy.....
  6. [​IMG]

    I found this one on my phone too.

    Try post a picture of what you have tomorrow.
  7. My rear sets can be set up for both. The gear link that comes directly out of the gearbox has a rod that faces straight up or straight down to the bar that meets the pedal. If it facing up, its set up for race shift and when it faces down, its set up for the road shift. Or so I understand :tongue:
  8. That would do it.....on some bikes it's possible to fit the splined gearbox connector upside down to go to race pattern, and some have two arms on them, so you can just change the linkage from one to the other to change over.

    Most people who go to race shift get a rear facing lever onto the gearbox to eliminate the free play linkages create....that's why I asked.
  9. Just Found this pic on my phone...

    Any Good

    1098 Gear Pedal.jpg

    1098 Gear Pedal.jpg
  10. Yup....all you need to do is undo the splined bit on the gearbox, take it off and flip it 180, so it faces downward.

    Then adjust the linkage so your pedal is back where you want it. :upyeah:

    It may not even need adjusting, it may end up with the lever in the same position as it is now.
    #11 XxAnthxX, Oct 14, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2012
  11. Yep, you need to take the linkage off, turn it 180 degrees as in the Ducati.ms post.

    Edit: Doh...too slow!
  12. Judging by the Pics Stretta has just posted & what Anth was saying to me earlier.. its a pretty easy fix :upyeah:.. just moving rod down from up...

    it looks like its an Allen key job....

    Even I can do that...
  13. Doh.. I was to slow also..

    Thanks Guys....

    Problem solved...
  14. I'll be disappointed if you can't :tongue:
  15. im sure i read some where on the 749 if you cant flip it upside down as it will hit the casing. and selecting a gear can sometime be a bother if you do get it to work.???
    would love to do do it to mine. when i treid it on a friends r6 seemed much more natural.
  16. I've always used a race pattern change....find it much more natural & easy to use.......mind you....spent many years racing....so in a "panic situation" that's my default setting!!
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